what inspired me to start this? well honestly a couple of things and people. so why not mention them?
first of all, probably A_Rhetso
- don't be surprised, when you posted that prompt-writing book, it was like a push that got me to start thinking :) honestly, i had screen-shotted a month of prompts list from pinterest beforehand, so seeing you start was well, exciting ! i never thought i would actually do it lol.this leads me to why a month? quite recently my friend Doki-SIM thought of JJJ - all you have know is one of the Js mean the month of june, which is in a couple of days. (where I'll officially start this book). It's a month of working towards something, and i've been wanting to consistently write more often, so there we go.
-i probably have way more inspirations i need to list, might do so later.
started: 01.06.20
(unofficially 20.05.20)
finished: who knows?Author's note:
- I'm starting this on the first of june, hopefully posting regularly.
Raw and no edits
Random~ will change later writing regularly to practice writing my thoughts out, for no self judging and improvement. Of course a prompt driven. Hope you like it ! p.s, if anyone was wondering, that is definitely a pathetically drawn astronaut on the cov...