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At the eon of twice :

His lovely childhood belongs amreli (one county of nation) with numerous memories. First his home was facilitated with 10*7 swimming pool (as you can see in above picture, shreyans is your left handed and another one is his elder brother) and beautiful plants. That's Amazing childhood!!

Day- by- day he started to understand and speak too ; And as beginner he had nothing to say than mla(mom). His special habit was to bath with his all toys and he often use to seat or bath in large bucket and water tank with his favourite train(toy) . It was the most dangerous that snatch his toys ; He was a center of attraction to each and everyone of that street.

But; twist always came whenever he enjoyed his soul. Now he was three years old and he went to his maternal uncle's home in summer of 2004. At once he went to farm with his cousins. there, they put him on the tractor seat but his maternal uncle had unknowingly forgotten to remove it's key in the morning. Now shreyans was enjoying sweet hummingbird voice. Then after a minute, he saw key in it's stand and as he was fickle, he plugged it in stand and rotated clock-wise. Then tractor suddenly starts and he felt over the moon and became crazy fish as it was vibrating. Now, his vison went towards leaver, but it's too below to reach to him. That's why he went down and directly sat on it and tractor started to move in reverse; And there was exactly 20 meters distance between it and huge water well although he was pressing leaver forcefully and laughing loudly.

No any cousin could see it because they were playing hopscotch. After that his uncle listened tractor's noise while he was sowing of sugarcane; and he saw shreyans on tractor which might be gone in the well within a twice mins. Then he abruptly started running as much as he could and jumped on break and stopped it ; but it was solely 4 meters distance between well and tractor when it stopped. If that uncle didn't save him then he may not here among us. Thus, it's unforgettable movement. Shreyans understood nothing at that time. It was fully fun for him...

Now he recently blew a candle of 4th year. Day-by-day he was becoming mischievous boy; and even he crossed boundaries in drama, harassing and hebetude too. One instance of this was whenever he went to meet their relatives with his parents, first he seated so calmly; then he slowly started his riot harassing to those members; and at the end of the meeting those relatives warned his parents to not bring him again along with. He had indeed lots of enthusiasm in minor acts as well things.

In his entire childhood, the people who came in touch, they never forgot him. That's why this was an unique and interesting kid ever.

Further detail will be covered soon with more interesting cases....

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