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Whew!! Now he entered in preteen time and it gonna to bring numerous seesaws....!!

It's first day(7th of june, 2011) in the school after enjoy summer. All the classmates of new 5th class were meeting each other and doing hustle-bustle in the school patio. Some of them noticed an absence of shreyans; And it's not merely for that day; but he used to come school after a week of or twice week after strike up date of progressive standard....This is because he was always on the tour time.

Now(21st of june) he came in new class, saw tutor board and said hello!(loudly) to friends; and shared how he spent his whole summer. Afterwards, in this class, day-by-day he was losing his dexterous focal point from study; This is because he begun to take part in cricket game and  dancing too. Firstly, it comes to his dancing, he didn't aware clearly of magical steps and all playing styles such as "jazz", "ballet", "tap", "slow-mo", "quickstep" , "hip hop", "ballroom", "cha-cha-cha", "boogie woogie" and many more. Nevertheless, he kept it up and attempted to make his side strong.

At the same time, there was one well-known show DIDLM(Dance India  Dance Little Masters) displaying on television at evening. He used to watch  it so curiously and practicing that tasks in the bathroom, forth of mirror; and he had also performed on school platform on the song of soldier and it's  film's name too(this movie had shaken whole box office in 1998). But, after performance he could not get proper reviews from students and judges; Some of them were laughing and others were clapping and praising it. After that movement, he didn't get as convenient as he wanted in terms of coaching, supporting and making suitable look as per performance; hence he almost gave up it steadily.

In this year, it's remarkable that cricket world cup had been organised in native nation India; which was awaking interest to him. Subsequently, shreyans started to play it and giving full effort. He even did unbelievable control in cuisine, activation and many more habits to be fit; And his such a sincerity started to bring achievements event by event. First he was selected in school team and he proved his ability in internal matches. However he didn't satisfy so he joined crick academy in Surat(Indian emotional and the neatest metropolis). At where he learned how to play with time, class,brain and pitch too. As well as he had been also taught a factual lessons of sportsmanship.

But owing to these dancing and playing obstacles, he did not have enough focus on study as he had in class 4th and 5th; and he was always giving priority to study exceptional things like sports, digital games, parties etc.

Thus, once more time, falling period of this spider 🕷 had study became a second side of opaque window curtain. And it was ongoing till final exams and at the day of result he was  extremely implicate. A morning of the day of result, he woke up and stood from bed then flipped his leg in flip-flop position prior to go for bath. Then he went to dining hall and sat with family members fearfully.

It's exactly 9:00 Anti Meridian and kitchen watch buzzed "Ting Tong....Ting Tong..." up to nine times and his heartbeat frequency was booming at every Ting.....Tong..., because result would be announced at 9:01 ; Eventually, after a minute result came with 69% and he has willing to tolerate everyone's scold and all members said him to leave other activities including cricket; that,s like serious disaster ever. To add to this his all pocket money gonna to stop along with upgrading sports tools.

Now it doesn't stop here, he was going to face his the most dangerous time of journey when he became addictive and then had to face innumerable failures

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Now it doesn't stop here, he was going to face his the most dangerous time of journey when he became addictive and then had to face innumerable failures....

Next part will be published overmorrow.

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