Chapter 1: Finding a mate for Natsu

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This story is dedicated to @loveciel2005. Yep, I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHO the hell she/he is, but they wanted it sooooooooooooo hope you enjoy!

{3rd POV}

Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza, and Happy were back from another job. Natsu and Gray were fighting, as usual. Lucy was talking with Happy, and Erza was lugging her luggage along while trying to stop their fight.

"Natsu! Gray! Stop this instant!" Erza yelled in her bold, loud voice.

"Aye sir!" Natsu and Gray said, hugging each other and bumping fists.

"They've turned into you again, Happy..." Lucy muttered, and Happy smiled and yelled a mighty, "Aye Sir!"

Once Erza turned around, however, they went at it again.

"Oi, Flamebrain, why'd you touch me just now? You think I want your germs all over my body?"

"Who said I wanted to touch you, ice prick?"

Lucy pulled Natsu and Gray apart and sighed. "Cmon guys, can you guys go one day without fighting? Let's just enjoy the walk back home, instead of utterly ruining it, ok?"

"Hmph. Tell Ice Prick to shut up!"

"What you say, Pyro?"

"I said for you to SHUT UP."

"You are so dying."

They bumped foreheads again. Erza couldn't take it anymore. She took out a sword from her air space and pointed it at their necks.

"If you two keep fighting, you are in for a world of hurt." Erza said, while munching on some strawberry cake to keep her cool. Natsu and Gray swallowed hard and nodded.  Her sword disappeared and they continued walking.

. . .

{Natsu POV}

We entered the guild and was greeted by a smiling Mira. I waved and yelled, "We're back!"

"Welcome back." Levy said, running up to Lucy. "Lu-Chan! I have a romance novel I NEED you to read. Cmon!" And with that, she pulled Lucy away, laughing along the way. I didn't get it with girls. What was so fun about romance novels? All they talked about was two people meeting and falling in love, which I never really understood. Lucy always calls me dense, but I'm not sure what that means either. I shrugged it off.

"Happy! Let's go eat. I'm starving!"

"Aye sir!"

We exited the building, heading towards home.  I hummed along the way and Happy flew by next to me.

"Soooooo Natsu. Thinking about anything in particular?" Happy asked, and I looked at him, confused.

"What you talking about, Happy?" I asked.

"You know, about any girlssss?" I rolled my eyes. Ever since he started to date Carla, he couldn't get the idea of me dating girls out of his head. "Cmon, Natsu, we have to help each other out when it comes to ladies!"

"I don't really get that stuff, Happy. I don't really need to date anyone. I think I would be a hassle to her if I did. And she would be a hassle to me, too." I said, resting my head on my hands, which were behind my head.

"Cmon, Natsu! You know so many girls!! Just ask one of them out, and see how it goes!"

"No! The only girls I know are from the guild."

"That's why! So just ask one of them out! about Lucy? She's nice, she has a nice body, and you're pretty close to her! You guys have also almost kissed, seen each other naked, held've also saved her a couple thousand times!"

"Ew, Lucy? Hell no, she's my friend! And she's like a little sister to me."



"Erza-wait no nevermind."

"Exactly. Plus, she has a thing for Jellal, remember?"

" about Mira?"

"She's WAY too old for me, and plus, Laxus likes her. He's told me himself. Though I never understood a thing he said because half the time he was threatening to kill me if I made a move on her..." I shuddered at the thought.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Lisanna! Yes! She was a childhood friend AND she came back alive and well!"

"But she doesn't like me anymore, and I don't either. We're good friends. And only friends. So cmon Happy! I'm not ready to date yet."

"Hmm..." Suddenly, a very creepy smile crept up on his face. It kinda freaked me out. He tapped his fingers against each other and his grin grew wider and wider.

"W-What?" I asked, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. "The hell's up with you? You're scaring me!"

"Since, it seems, you don't have an interest in girls, let's take a different approach, eh? How about a certain rival of yours...Gray Fullbuster?"

He's sweet as sugar, I'm hard as ice. Hurt him once and I'll kill you twice.Where stories live. Discover now