Chapter 20~ Kelce

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I don't know if I need to put a trigger warning or not but uh, just prepare yourself.

  As I'm pulled across the street and under a street lamp, I'm finally able to catch a glimpse of the person with the harsh grip on my wrist.

"Kelce?" I ask in confusion as I stiffen under the boy's smirk.

"Hey princess, come on," He says attempting to pull me forward but I dig my feet into the ground.

"No, where are we going?" I ask as his grip tightens around my wrist.

"Rafe's waiting for us, come on," He says more forcefully, tugging me down the street.

"Are the cops still at your house? Why don't we just go back there? Did a neighbor file a complaint about the noise? Is that why-"

"Can you shut up?" Kelce snaps and I stop in surprise, making him give me an agitated look.

"You know, I think I'll just grab my bike and go home. You can let go of me by the way," I say, glancing down at his grip on my arm.

"You're making this way harder than it has to be Pogue," Kelce says lowly and I stare at him in confusion.

Kelce yanks my arm and drags me along forcefully behind him.

"Kelce stop, you're hurting me," I say, using my other hand to try and free his arm off of me but he doesn't budge.

"What are you doing? This isn't funny Kelce," He doesn't respond as he drags me towards a dark, empty alley way. That's when I start to panic.

"Kelce let go of me! Let go!" I yell, throwing all my weight back, making him lose grip on my arm and me stumble back slightly.

"Yell at me again and I'll give you a reason to scream," Kelce says as I take a step back at the dark look in his eyes.

"Kelce please, let me go and I won't tell anyone about this," I lie as I take another step back when he steps towards me.

"You're a terrible liar princess. Besides, I haven't even had my fun yet," Kelce sneers.

I turn, ready to run when I feel my hair being yanked back and I cry out in pain.

"Kelce stop," I beg as he drags me by my hair into the alley.

"Oh I'm sorry, does this hurt?" Kelce snickers, yanking my hair harder and I whimper in pain.

"Let me go," I plead as his grip loosens on my hair.

"As you wish, whore," Kelce says and I feel him kick my feet out from under me as he lets go of my hair.

My back hits the ground hard and my arm scrapes harshly against the ground.

I barely have time to do anything when Kelce's foot connects with my stomach.

Tears spring to my eyes from the sudden shock as Kelce kicks me hard in my stomach again making me gasp in pain.

"What's wrong princess? Never been hurt before?" Kelce smirks as he kneels beside me and suddenly grips my hair, making me look up at him.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I whisper, flinching as his grip tightens.

"Don't take it personal sweetheart. Wanna blame someone? Blame your boyfriend," Kelce says bitterly.

"What?" I mumble in confusion.

"He could've killed Topper when he held that gun to his head," Kelce says, making me realize he was talking about JJ.

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