Chapter 5

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3rd pov~

"This will be your room from now till the day you're adopted or when you are of age and are sent out on your own." Cassie led Daphne into a room that was placed on the second floor, second to last door on the right down the hallway to the left of the staircase. "I will be taking you out shopping tomorrow as another worker is coming tomorrow, so she can watch the children. You will be going to school the day after as I will get your paperwork in by the latest, tomorrow morning." Daphne walked into the room as she nodded her head along to whatever Cassie was saying. She was distracted by how big her room was. "I'll see you at dinner." Cassie bid goodbye and went to go back to watching the children that were playing outside.

Daphne made her way to a bed that wasn't just wood like her old bed, as it had been just a shell with no type of cushioning at all. It sat in the right corner of the room across from the door where she came on from. She sat down and her body barely sank into the mattress, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that the mattress felt like heaven to Daphne's touch and she couldn't believe that this is what she will be sleeping in. Across from the door and about five feet from the bed stood a wooden dresser that was the color of mahogany. Above the dresser sat a mirror that hung from the wall that only shows your face when you look into it. Where the closet is attached to the other wall across from where Daphne sat was a long mirror attached to the back of the left closet door. The floor was covered with a cream colored, fuzzy and soft carpet. A window was placed directly behind her bed so there was light shining directly on Daphne. Another window was placed on the other side of the dresser so more light filtered into the room. The light that came through the windows gave off a pinkish glow as the straight pink curtains captured the light.

Laying down onto the bed Daphne gave a sigh full of bliss as her body relaxed on the soft blankets that were made on top of the mattress. Emotions ran through her life a storm as it hit her that she was finally free from her prison. The place that once brought her pain and sorrow was now behind her and in the past. Maybe Daphne will find someone who will want her, or maybe she won't, but anything is better than being where she was hated and despised. Closing her eyes, Daphne was able to be in peace and not worry when the next hit was going to come. That no one would barge into her room and take her by the arm to only be slammed into the ground. Darkness swept over her and thoughts drifted away into nothingness.


A loud bang sounded as the door was slammed into the wall scaring Daphne awake and into a panic. 'Maybe I thought too soon. That hopefully I was safe, but they found me. I have to get away!' Daphne thought as she jumped up in a panic, but those thoughts were quickly whipped away as multiple little bodies jumped up into hers. Giving out an oof Daphne managed to catch herself before she could fall onto her back. "Well hello there little ones." Daphne spoke softly as not to scare the ones on top of her.

"Hi miss, youre very pretty." A little girl with brown hair and hazel eyes spoke as she looked up at Daphne with a look of awe on her small, round features.

Daphne gave a light giggle as she gave a 'thank you' and asked, "Why did you come in here, little ones?" A tug on her shirt pulled her attention to a little boy about six years old. He had curly hair the color of sand when wet, but there were blonde streaks throughout his head of hair.

The little boy looked shy with his ocean blue eyes shining up with innocence that had Daphne wishing she still had. Innocence of when you didn't know the darkness of the world you live in. "Ms. Cassie wanted us to come and-and...uh...tell you that its dinner time!" The boy exclaimed happily even though he stumbled over his words. Daphne couldn't help but think that it made the boy adorable.

"Well what are we waiting for then?" Daphne hopped off the bed and looked back at the two children. "We don't want the others to eat all the food do we?" The little boy and girl shook their head with an exclamation of 'NO!' and each took one of Daphne's hands in theirs and dragged her out of the room and down the hallway. "Slow down, there's no need to rush." The children slowed down from their rushed steps into slow leisurely walking. "Now, can I ask you two cuties what your names are?" Daphne asked the young ones.

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