Chapter 40

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Yuichi's POV

Beep beep, beep beep, beep beep-

"Hello Agent 4 here, How can I help." I said into the headset. 

"Ah, Agent 4, you guys are going to switch with Agent 1 now. You two can head to lunch." A raspy voice said. 

"Okay, Cap'n thank you." I replied. 

"Who was that Yuichi?" Erina asks. 

"Cap'n Cuttlefish, He said we can take a break." I said. 

"Really?! I didn't say so but I was starving!" Erina grinned. 

"You should say so Erina." I chuckled. 

"Sorry, But I didn't want to disrupt work." Erina smiled. 

"Alright, Crusty's?"


We rushed to the small shop.

****A few minutes later****

"Woah~! Is that Agent 4?"

"He looks hot!" 

"I know right! Totally my type!" 

I sighed. 

"Erina... Babe, Let's go," I mumbled. 

"Eh?! Uh, yes?" Erina stuttered. We got up and went past the girls. I smiled slightly at them before rushing off towards my house. 

"Did you see that?! He smiled at me!"

"He smiled at me you squiddiot!"

"Nah uh! Obviously me!" 

I dragged Erina into the house and quickly closed and locked the door. 

"Yuichi? Are you okay?" Erina asks. 

"Yup, I'm good. Sorry Erina." I sighed. 

"Don't worry Yuichi!" Erina smiled. I smiled back. 

"Well, we have the rest of the day off. Let's get out of the suits and go somewhere." I said. 

"Sure! Dibs getting changed first!" Erina grinned and rushed into the room. 

"No fair!" I chuckled. 

****Few minutes later****

"You ready Yuichi?" Erina shouts through the door. 

"I'm done! God, you're impatient." I sighed.

"Where we going Yuichi?" Erina asks excitedly.

"A place. Well... A place I lived before I became Agent 4." I replied.


"Well... You'll see." I chuckled. We took the train to a nostalgic place. Inkopolis. The place where I was a normal everyday inkling. But there was one problem. I don't know if they accept octolings yet. Well... We'll see. 

Hi guys! Sorry for the short chapter. School started and I got a writers block. So sorry,

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