Chapter 46

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Yuichi's POV



"You want to show them your secret?" 

"Oh, We haven't?"


"Then, Sure! Le's show them tomorrow!" 

"Great! Good night Erina."

"Night Yuichi." 

****Next day****

"And so we have something to show you." I said. 

"Huh, Just before you leave?" Kiyoshi grumbled. 

"Yes, But, From what we show you, please don't panic. She will do nothing to you." I said. 

"Her? Hurt us? No way bro, Come on, show us." Osamu said. 

"Alrighty. Erina?" I asked. 

"Y-yes," Erina replied. She slowly took her hat off. When we looked back at the trio they were terrified. 


"Erina was an Octoling!?"

"No way!!" 

"Guys! Calm down! I told you guys not to freak out. She's been here for a week. Has she hurt you? NO! Has she done anything bad to you? NO! She's a good octoling. So that's why I called them today. Come in, guys!" I exclaimed. The door slowly opened. The person who opened the door was opened by Yuki, She was holding hands with Koutarou. Behind them was Kaguya and Akira. 

"Who are they Yuichi?" Hanako asks. 

"They are my new teammates. Two of them are octolings," 

Kaguya and Koutarou took their blindfold and hood off. 

"One is a half." 

Akira took off his blindfold. 

"Yuki is a normal inkling. You guys should know her." I smiled. Everyone was surprised and gaping. 

"But of course, there are others in our city. But these are the ones I know best." I smiled. 

"No, No, it can't be! The octolings siding with us? Tell us that it's a lie Yuichi, Come on!" hanako was on the verge of crying. I shook my head. 

"Then, This is real? It's not a dream?" Osamu asks. 

"If you think it's a dream. Come to my city. There are octolings everywhere now! Playing turf, ranked they are also starting to go to work! Isn't that cool?!" I exclaimed. 

"Come on! We'll show you!" Yuki smiled. 

"So, instead of you leaving us, you're getting us to go to your city?" Kiyoshi asked. 

"Exactly!" I said. 

"Alright fine. For once you win. I'm in." Kiyoshi sighed. 

"Sure, Why not." Osamu smiled. 

"Fine. If they are going, I'm coming as well." 

"Great! let's go!" 

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