Not Over It

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Shoto Todoroki/Tomura Shigaraki

Tears poured down your face as you sat in the cornor of your cold bathroom, clutching your knees and a photo in your shakey hands.

It was your first ever anniversary, and he took you to the beach. You remember it vividly.

He had gotten you snow cones. He had spilled it all over himself while you took the photo. It rained soon after and you were both soaked.

You said you'd get rid of all of the things he gave you, but you couldn't get rid of your memories together. A sudden hot flash of anger struck you. 

You shouldn't be crying over this meaninglessness photo! You should be planning how to kill him! How to break him! 

You let out a roar of pure emotion, stretching your arm to the ceiling before throwing the picture frame with all your might, your anger is quickly forgotten as you scramble across your tiled bathroom floor in a panic, picking up any glass pieces you come across.

"! No! No! No! NO!!! I DIDN'T MEAN IT!!" you let out ugly sobs while gasping for air, ignoring the smaller glass pieces cutting up your legs.

"Maybe I can put it back together? Yeah- yeah! Put it back! I'll put it back together. Put it back together. Put it back together-"

You chant numbly, as you collect every single last shard.

Every. Single. Last. Shard.

Katsuki Bakugo/Eijiro Kirishima

You could practically feel this wasn't going to be a good day.

Nothing bad had happened yet, but it was like a gut feeling told you to be prepared for something awful to occur.

"You're so funny Bakugo!"

Ah there it was.

Bakugo was surrounded by a hoard of girls, probably hearing the news he was now single


You smiled a bit at that, he was still the same guy you loved.

Loved. You loved him.

I was still hard to admit. You haven't gotten over him. Not in the slightest. You quickly slipped into an empty classroom to collapse, then came the tears. 

Why were you so powerless when it came to him? It was like you had no control.

"Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!"

You aggressively attempt to wipe away your tears, but they kept coming, and they didn't want to stop.

Denki Kaminari/Izuku Midoriya 

You stared blankly into Lions eyes, unblinking. It had been a rough week, being in the same class as your ex and his new s/o could really drain a person.

"Garnet, do you think they're okay?"

"No. Not yet at least. They need time to heal. "

The passing conversation about you fell on deaf ears as you continued to endlessly stare. This feeling... wasn't a pleasant one. It felt like nothing. You were feeling nothing. And it sucked, bad.

It was different than before, no tears, no screams, no 'what if's'. Just nothing. Empty. Was this what heartbreak was? You wouldn't know. You hadn't experienced it before.

Denki. He was your everything. Which sounds quite naive for a teenager to say. But that was you, when you loved, you loved with your whole being. He was yours and you were his. 


"At least I have you Lion..."

He blinked and licked away a tear you didn't know had shed.

Shouta Aizawa / Toshinori Yagi

You sat on the couch, the TV seeming to be a sort of white noise. You subconsciously rubbed your ring finger, noticing just how light it felt without the engagement ring on it. You spaced out, remembering how the proposal had went.

Memories of how excited you were, and the checklist you were making ran through your head. You had even gone to get measurements for the custom outfit you had planned to wear. You had already canceled the order, you didn't want it anymore. A single tear ran down your face, remembering the few times Aizawa smiled when he was listening to you rant about how the wedding was going to be perfect. 

 That's how you were for the next few hours, reminiscing the painful, yet soothing memories. 



Hello everyone! It's been a bit! Hopefully I'll have the motivation to get more than one chapter out a month with the extra help! 

First I wanna apologize for the random format change in the middle, I wrote the first 2 just fine and for some reason the other 2 decided to be ✨unique✨

Second! I want to thank all the kind comments y'all leave, it's so uplifting to read how much y'all enjoy a coherent version of my Daydreams akamsn 

Third, y'all like the new cover 👀?

and finally, I'd like for my co-author to introduce themself!

   Hello! I'm the co-author! Yall can just call me Setsu <3 ! Ill be the one using italics so that you can discern whose who ^^. I look forward to writing for everyone in the future 😃🤌

Feel free to ask us some questions or request a scenario!

Peace! 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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