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Ed slowly opened his eyes. Everything was blurred and his head throbed. This felt like a nightmare. When he tried to remember what happened the last hours, a sharp pain went trough his head. Ed couldn't even remember why he was here or what happened within the last 24 houres. "Ed? Are you awake?". The voice came from the other side of the room and souned similar. "Who's there?", asked Ed with a scratchy tone. The confusion was visible in his face.The other person gulped. "Here is Oli.". Oli? It felt like Ed had to go through all the drawers in his head until he found the name in the back of his mind. "What happened? Oli? I can't remember.". Oli scratched this nose and went through his hair. "Everything went so fast."

After a while Oli began to speak his mind:" We went hiking and it began to get dark. After we had lost our way, we decided to sleep in the forest and continue walking the next day. But the night was wierd. At the beginning everything was normal. I only remember the person, that suddenly showed up. Then everything was white.". Ed turned his head towards Oli. "My mind is a mess. I can't remember anything besides the car crash.". "Car crash? We had no car crash, Ed.". Ed shaked his head:" We had one. You were the last thing that I saw, you stood there and watched the whole scene. The car only hit me. The bright lights still flicker in the conor of my eye.". "We had no car crash. When I woke up, you lay on the forest floor. I carried your body almost an hour before I could find any street. You must have dreamed. There's no chance you had a car crash.".

The doctor came in the room. "Good morning gentlemen, how do you feel today?". Oli answered:" I feel well. The wound burns a bit, since you removed the flower, but that's okay.". "I see a bit blurred and I feel extremly weak.", said Ed,"and I remember a car crash, that Oli said never exsisted.". "It really can't be, Ed.". The doctor interupted them. "The symtoms would fit. The doctor team already discussed the case of you two and we came to that as conclusion. But what we don't know is, where the flower is from.". " I FOUND ED IN A GODAMN FOREST. THERE WERE NO STREETS. HE WAS COVERED IN FLOWERS! I AM NOT AN IDIOT. THERE WASN'T A CAR CRASH!!!". Oli's words got louder and louder. "I AM NOT CRAZY!". "Maybe there happened something between those two scenes, that you both don't remember.", the doctor brought in the conversation. "And that would be?", asked Ed, while the doctor checked his heart beat. "I don't know, but I will find it out.", answerd Oli.



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