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When Ollie finally could open his eyes again, he saw everything blurred.
Where the heck am I?
His view only cleared slowly.
This person...
His thoughts came back to his mind.
This person...with the chocolate brown eyes and angelic soft face...then suddenly everything was white. Yes. He was with Ed. In the forest, at night. They had lost their way. And suddenly this person appeared.
Where is he? Who was he?
But the most important question:
Where's Ed?

Finally his view cleared completely.
But what he saw made him close his eyes again.
No. It can't be.
I must be dreaming.
This IS a dream, isn't it?

There was blood everywhere.
His clothes were cut and torn to pieces. Blood. There was blood everywhere.

"Ed?". No sounds could be heard.
The forest was completely dark and silent. No birds twittering, no wind rustling in the leafes.
No movements. Not even the ants on the forest floor crawled.

Everything was like the time has stopped.

Ollie patted himself down.
I wasn't alone.
Ed has to be here somewhere.
Where is that goddamn flashlight?
I can't see much.

Blood. Everywhere.
On his hands.
On his shirt.
On his face.
And on the flower.
The flower that was stick right on his breast, where his heart was supposed to be.
In his panic Ollie didn't question why the flower was there.

Where is the flashlight?
When he finally grabbed the cold holder of the light, he calmed himself down.
Breathe normally.
Goddamn breathe!

Ollie lighted the ground.
"Ed! ED!", he screamed and hoped to be heard.
But there was no reply.
"ED!", he cried, "where are you?!".
The complete silence made him go crazy.

He kept his breathe and ran through the bushes. Ollie didn't care that he scratched up all his arms. "ED?".

After he ran for over an hour, he stopped. It was useless. It was...
He stood at the exact same place he started, he woke up.

Again there was blood everywhere.
Nothing seemed to change...
except...there was a small path.

Ollie didn't hesitate and followed the track.

And didn't believe his eyes when he saw Ed.
He lay on the ground of a clearing.
Passed out and covered by those wierd white flowers...


I'm back and almost as confused as Ollie about this XD

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