Chapter 5

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I woke up with a smile on my face. I feel happy despite the struggles. At least I have someone that I know I can count on aside from my best friend Lisa. I rolled over to the other side of the bed to get up but I stopped when I saw Derek looking down at me with a goofy smile. "Good morning, baby!" he lean in and kissed my lips. "I'm going down to prepare breakfast for you." he wink and turn his back and out the door. I have a silly smile on my face. He called me baby, he said he will make me breakfast, he kissed me. My eyes went wide. Ohmygod! He kissed me and I have morning breath! I said to myself. That's so embarrassing.

Instead of sulking because of my morning breath, I decided to just prepare myself because we sure will have a very long day today. So I went inside the bathroom and contemplated on taking a shower. At the end, I wanted to look fresh and pretty today so I decided a quick shower would be nice and I just let my dark blue hair down. I didn't put it in my usual high pony tail. I put a little lip balm on my pouty lips and i just put face powder. I wore my booty pants and a crop top. I paired it with my high-cut shoes. I am excited to see what breakfast awaits me in the kitchen. Moreover, the person that is in the kitchen is what excites me most. After one last look in the mirror, I run my fingers in my smooth hair and made my way out the door.

As I was walking to the kitchen, I smelled brewed coffee. How did he know I like mu coffee brewed? Hmm.. I smiled to myself and entered the door.
"Good morning, Sophie!" Lisa stands up upon seeing me and kissed my cheek. William just smiles at me. He is sitting next to the chair that Lisa always sits in the morning. I saw Derek tossing the last pancake in the plate and then he carry it towards the table where we ate sitting. I stand up to get plates when he stops me, "Where are you going?" he yank me playfully and sits me back in the chair. "Let me serve you." he whispers and then turned to get us plates.
"What was that?" Lisa whispered-yelled excitedly.
"Sssshhh!" I silenced her, "He will hear you!" whispering back and forth, I can see William looking amused. Derek came back with plates and my coffee. He went back in again, and this time he brought a chocolate syrup for the pancake and his not-so-well cooked eggs. I laughed at this.   "Are this eggs? It's the first time that I saw this kind of recipe." I teased him. He just laugh at me and sit beside me.
"They didn't cooperate when I cooked them so this is what they got." he replied with a smile. We all laughed at that and started eating our breakfast.

"What will happen now?" Lisa asked thoughtfully in between our silent breakfast. Me, myself, I am really anxious on what will happen. I'm not sure how to answer that question.
"Let's get this breakfast over with and let's go to the arena. I'm sure some are there already." Derek answered. The happy environment earlier was replaced with silence and uncertainty. We will plan on what to do today. Possibly, we are going to attack and I don't know.. Some will die, I may die. I'm not sure if a week from now I will still be alive. What I'm sure is that I will not let those fuckers get away with what they did. I will save my father and I will kill them even if it would cost me my life.

Thinking about those things, I suddenly lost my appetite. My father, wherever he may be as of the moment, had eaten nothing. Because based on what William said about those pack, they are ruthless. My father may even be dead or tortured. With this thought, I stopped eating and just drink my coffee.
"You're done?" Derek asked. I just nod and stands up. A moment later, they also stands up and we brought our plates to the lavatory. "
We will wash it later. This is far more important than washing freaking dishes." I said and starts to walk to the door. Before I can reach the door knob of the front door, a hand stops me and I was pulled back to a hard chest. When I looked up, it's Derek and I saw him motioning to maybe Lis and William, to go on.

"Derek, let go. We need to be there." I said wiggling my way out his hug.
"This is just a minute, baby." he said and then pulled me to the side of the door and kissed me real hard. I kissed him with the same ferocity. We kissed for like 5 minutes and he finally pull away. "Just remember, I will always be here for you, okay? This is not your fight alone. We, the Lioners are here to support you." he cupped my face and looked in my eyes saying this words which warms my heart.
"Thank you." I replied and pulled his head over to mine and kissed him. This is the first kissed I ever initiated and I know he liked it. He kissed me with the same passion. He snakes his arm on my waist and pulled me closer to his body. In our close proximity, I can feel his boner poking.
"Oh my god!" I laughed and smack him in the shoulder. "Really, Derek?"
He just laughed. "You're hot, and beautiful. And I really like it when you kiss me." he said scratching the back of his head. I just laugh at that and pull him by his hand to the door. "Let's go. We'll be late." I said and we walked hand in hand to the arena.

When we arrived, we went directly to the members who are already in a huddle. Unlce Marcus talked about the plan. Some of the members had suggestions here and there. They also accepted my suggestion on some areas of the plan. We all work together to do a rescue mission to my father. I'm sure that those effin werewolves has him captive. We decided that since this is a rescue, we won't force everyone to join. Those who wants to, will report to Titus for listing and for training. The listing will end today so that we can formulate the battle strategy. We decided to plan it thoroughly before attacking. We will attack five days from now. In that way, we are all prepared and well trained to fight.

After a whole day of meeting, listing, and planning on everything, it's already dark so uncle Marcus decided to continue early in the morning the next day. He dismissed everyone and those who will fight with us, will attend the meeting tomorrow and for those who don't want to, they can still help by preparing food for those who are training, by also helping with the things needed and such. We walked back to the house side by side. When we are a few steps away from the front door, Derek stopped walking. I stopped too and look at him confuse.
"I will be back later. I have something to take care of first." he said holding both my hands.
Where are you going? What is it that is so important that you needed to attend to? I wanna ask him those questions but I stopped myself.
"Sure." I said and withdraw my hand. Before I was able to turn around, he cupped my face and kiss my forehead.
"I will be back I promise." then he let go and turn around and jog to who-knows-where. I smiled to myself. I love this feeling. I feel loved, and protected. I love Derek.
My eyes widen in that realization. Omg! Did I just thought that? I run to the house and went to Lisa's room. I was about to open the door when I heard a voice. It's low and I can't clearly hear so I knock on the door softly. The door opened and I wss shocked to see uncle Timmy. Wait, what??? Uncle Timmy is here? Why? How? Where's my dad? I was so confuse and I didn't even notice that I was already seated in the sofa inside Lisa's room.
"How? I mean.. What? Why?" I don't know what else to say. I don't know how to asked. Questions are turning inside my head and it made me feel dizzy. Lisa went to my side as soon as she notices this.

"I'm so sorry, honey." Timmy said and sit down to the single chair that's beside the mirror. "Luca is captured. He almost killed us. He is a beast! He is ruthless!"

"Who is he? And where's dad? Didn't you save him?" I asked confused with everything.

"Stan Williams. The Alpha of Black Eagles pack. His members caught us hiding in the forest, trekking, looking for answers to our questions. We run because we know we can't fight. We don't have any arms with us. Only a riffle gun and it's in the car. We all run and William us ahead of us. Luca told him to escape and let you know all the things that we discovered and what happen. I saw him drive the car away. We are caught by the wolves and they instantly kill Michael and... And Trey." he tooked a deep breath before continuing. "We decided to not fight and not move an inch. A few moment later, a very angry red-brown wold appeared. He change into his human form and started asking questions. We didn't answer and he tortured us there, in the woods. I'm not sure but maybe because of the pain, I fainted. They must have thought that I'm dead so they left me in the forest and took your dad." So that explains his look. He looked like he's been punched a million times.
"When I woke up, I don't know where I was, my mind just stopped working. I stand up and started walking. I don't know where i was going but I remembered seeing a small hut and I managed to knock on the door before fainting. A woman helped me and that's why I'm here now. " He finishes what he said. It took a little while before I react.

"So dad was captured. And he's been tortured, surely. Are you sure he is not dead?" I asked and started pacing in the room.

"Yes. I'm pretty sure. They will not kill him until they get any information from him. We need to save him." he said.

"I will call Marcus. Go to the meeting room, we'll meet you there." I said and run out of the room.

1,852 words everyone. 😁

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--FaitheLove ❎❤️

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