Chapter 9

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I woke up feeling sore all over my body. I feel dizzy and I feel like someone is watching me sleep. I got goosebumps all over me and I abruptly opened my eyes.

Darkness. Darkness is what welcomed me the moment I did so. I blink several times to get my eyes to focus and get use to the dark.

I looked around the room I was in and realized nothing is familiar. Where am I? What happened?

I tried so hard to focus my brain and remember what happened after we attacked. But I can't clasp any information. Maybe because of the dizziness I am feeling.

Trying to adjust my body, I moved sideways to my left. I almost scream due to the immense pain I'm feeling in my left arm. Oh, shit! I remember breaking my arm while that wolf attacked me.

Realizing this one, my eyes went wide and I force myself to get up from the bed I was lying. I endured the pain I am feeling and I noticed a silhouette of someone from the other side of the room. The person is lying on the bed opposite to where I was.

I screamed on top of my lungs. The man immediately stood up and get into a defensive stance. Like he is thinking that there is danger lurking around.

"Derek? Is that you?" I softly asked. The person now relaxed a bit and turn to face me. I can't see his face clearly because of the darkness of the room. But I am pretty sure it's a he, because of the masculine fit his body has.

He moved to the door and flip on the switch of the light just beside it. I automatically covered my eyes to hide from the brightness the light is causing.

A moment later, when my eyes had adjusted, I remove my right arm covering my face and look at the man. I really thought he is Derek because of the body built.

"Who are you?!" I stood up and get into a defensive-fighting stance. Though my left arm hurt so bad, I still manage to swing it.

"Calm down. I won't hurt you." the man said starting to walk slowly towards my direction. He has a blond hair with an ocean blue eyes. The moment I looked into his set of eyes, it was like I was being hypnotized.

He is a very attractive man. But he is also very dangerous.

"Don't... Don't go near me!" I almost stutter while backing away to the bed. I don't know who this man was and I didn't like the feeling that I had felt when I looked into his eyes.

It's like I have known him for a long time and I don't know. I feel giddy. I'm not sure what this is.

"Who are you?" I asked, my eyes looking for an escape. I'm practically planning in my head what to do.

"My name is Stan. Stan Williams. What's your name?" he asked cautiously. He is trying to catch my eyes but I refused to looked into his.

"Why am I here? And where are my friends? Where's Derek?" I didn't answer his question nor look directly into his eyes. His name sounds so familiar. I can't quite grasp where I heard that name.

"You are in my pack house. And by friends, if you mean those who came with you to attack us then I can't answer your question." he said but I can see that he is frustrated. I'm not sure why but he is gritting his teeth as if he is refraining himself from getting angry.

"I.. I.. Why am I here?" I asked a little confused. If they had caught me, why am I not in the prison cells?

"Just be glad you are not rotting in the dungeons." his eyes are changing from its normal ocean-blue orbs which I love and I don't even know why, to almost a pitch black color indicating that his wolf is in the surface.

I'm not sure if its a good sign or not. But I'm sure as hell that I can't afford his wolf to go berserk with me as of the moment. I am injured for goodness sake!

"Stay here, I will go get you something to eat." he said turning around. Before he can get out the door, he turned around again.

"What would you like to eat?" he asked me. If I am a prisoner here, I should really be a thankful aff cause he's treating me nicely; almost like "not a prisoner who attacked his pack."

I said stared at him like he had grown two heads. What the fck? Why is he even doing this? Am I going to be killed, but they will let me eat everything that I wanted first?

"Well, I will just get anything that I can find I'm sure you are hungry after every thing." he managed to say before fully closing the door and left to get food.

I sat back down the bed contemplating on what to do. I'm still confused as to why I'm here and at the same time, I'm worried on where can the Lioners be.

I'm worried for them, especially for Lisa. And Derek. Had they escaped? Did they recue my father? All this questions are swirling inside my head when the door opened again.

I expected to see the same person who's name is Stan Williams to walk in the door but instead I was greeted by a young lady carrying a tray of food.

She placed the food in the table just near the bed I was in and she give a small smile.

"Alpha said to give you this and to let you know he will be back in a while. He is dealing with something right now." she said folding her hands in front of her.

"A.. Al... Alpha?" my eyes widen at that. I am in the den of the alpha?! What the hell did I get myself into?

"Yes. Is there anything else that you need?" she asked softly. If anything else, I would like to get out from here. And alive at that. I'm sure when the alpha comes back, I'm dead.

"What's your name?" I asked instead. I need to get information of I wanted to get my way out.

"I'm Sheena. I'm one of the kitchen cooks." she answered a bit proud of what she does in the pack.

"Hi Sheena. I'm..." If ever I can escape from her, I can't afford them tracking me down. So I give a different name instead. "I'm Carlota." I finishes almost laughing to the name I gave.

"Hello, Carlota. Nice to meet you." she beamed at me and went to shake my right hand.

"Nice to meet you, too. But, do you know why I am here?" I don't want to mention to her the attack because she might not tell me anything if she hears that I attacked her pack.

Her eyes widen at that question. It seems like she just realized something. And she step back looking frightened.

"What's wrong, Sheena?" I asked confused.

"You.. You..." she stammered while backing away from me towards the door. "You are one of the attackers." she said almost to herself but I caught on it.

My mouth went wide open at that. I almost felt guilty. But the thought of my father being tortured and being a prisoner by this pack made me pushed that feeling in the back of my mind.

I don't know how to answer her. And before I can, the door burst open and a not-so-happy-fresh-looking-and-hot Alpha walk in.

"Sheena, go back to the kitchen. I'll deal with this and I'll talk to you later, okay?" he said and softly pushed Sheena out the door.

He faced me with an expression I can't decipher. Uh-oh.


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