15.11.20 - school night

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sunday 15th november 2020;

i'm presuming you're back in town, two days in a row? now that's rare. 

how i wish i could approach and ask you, but you broke me azrael. four years ago you broke me.

why are you browsing the alcohol section at 23:00? you could probably ask why i'm here too, but it was four years ago today that the best night of my life occurred, with you. 

My head was congested and a release of pressure drained through the exhale which I imposed. The soft, silk pillow distorted itself into a nest, perfectly shaped for my head. It was Sunday and I had university the following day, another day without you Azrael. My head became a thick mist of thoughts of you and the multiple assignments which were due the following week, as quickly as the mist appeared it evaporated as I heard two light taps on my window. Gentle taps, but authoritative. Despite the mist having cleared and reality being inserted back into my mind, I wasn't scared. Without the slightest hint of hesitation I drew back my beige curtains and my mind wondered amongst the clouds of nothingness before I noticed you wave your hand, signalling for me to retire to the outside. Now, I wasn't a bad girl, I didn't sneak out- especially for a boy. But you Azrael, you brought out the worst in me- and I loved it.

You gently lifted my window with those strong yet delicate hands of yours as I  mischievously unlocked the keyhole which lay upon my window with the hairpin I coincidentally decided to wear to sleep that night. Gingerly, I placed my finger to my lips and resealed my curtain, insinuating clearly that I could in no circumstance go out in my nightgown however you signalled for me to cover myself with my coat which hung peacefully upon my door. Following your orders like a hopeless sheep, I grabbed my coat with force and secured it around my small waist, my silk nightgown laced my legs seductively. 

As a guard to his queen, you elevated you hand, assisting me out of the room which I was held captive in, into the magical mystery which was the night itself. A cold wind whipped my legs and in response an army of goose bumps held guard across the surface as I took your hand and entered the night. There was a problem, my bedroom was not on the bottom floor, as a ninja you hung from the windowsill and  allowed gravity to guide you to the concrete below, landing perfectly. I however wasn't capable of that and as if you had read my mind you opened your arms for me to fall into and I did just that. Falling into your arms was like a princess in her protector's guard: soft, protective. You kissed my forehead gently before allowing me to return to my feet.

That sparkle in your eye shone and the left corner of your mouth rose forming a devious little smile. You reclaimed my hand  and that beautiful expression only grew. Excited, you gripped my tighter and ran and conforming to your pretty games, I followed. Where were we going I wondered? 

It was  22:45 on a sunday as we ran through the streets which twined to create our town, weaving in and out of alleys. Occasionally, you turned and your gleaming eyes met mine, they grew brighter each time, even in the darkness. Drunks who laced the street stared at us in confusion as we bypassed but in that moment, Azrael, It was just me and you- I had no care for anyone else in the world. I sensed the increase of streetlights as we ran closer to the centre of the city, the warm glow radiated onto the earth below us as we continued to run.

You stopped in a brick alley and as I opened my mouth you lay your finger upon my plump lips and replaced it with your lips. Sparks flew as I felt your flesh in contact with mine, your hands gripped my waist as I elevated my feet in attempt  to reach your lips. You picked me up and my legs secured around your waist as you passionately kissed me repeatedly. You told me you loved me and that was a promise. As quickly as it began, it ended and without a second of a doubt you reclaimed my hand and continued to run into the light of the night.

A few minutes later we arrived in front of a supermarket, it was a strange supermarket named "te adoro". The front was beige trimmed with illuminating pink lights in which lay the deepest blue lights, perfect for a city but unique in its niche. Before I knew it you dragged me in and up the staircase at the back without the cashier acknowledging our presence. The stairs went on forever, a lifetime. You hauled me into your arms and ran up the stairs as I secured your head around my arms, I wondered where we were heading but my faith was in you. 

A lifetime later, we reached the top of the staircase and it spiralled down into the abyss below us. You pushed the doors open with force placing me down on the top step and before us was the world, at our feet. Buildings stood guard around us but our building was by far, the tallest. We towered upon the skyscrapers and intimidated the civilians below. Orange, yellow, purple and pink lights emitting themselves from the buildings radiated throughout the city and we, we were on the top of the world. Me and you Azrael, above everyone. 

You screamed as if you ruled the world like you ruled my heart and my scream echoed yours, It reverberated across the world below us. I ran to the edge and sat down, my bare legs draping the walls of our supporting skyscraper, the harsh concrete in conflict with the army of goose bumps which still held guard over my skin. You joined me and asked:

"What is your goal in life?"

"My goal," I said "My goal is to travel the world, stand on top of every skyscraper, every mountain, step foot on every island, bathe in every sea and escape the town I live in. Forever."

"Why escape?" You asked.

"Freedom," I responded as quietly as a whisper, "And you?"

"I want to escape to Italy and create my own business, God knows what business or how it will turn out but Italy has always attracted me, as much as our town repels me."

"Are you gonna do it?" I asked.


"Because it's your dream Az, don't lead the life we all lead, finish school, get a job, find a wife, reproduce and die. I'm gonna do it Az, I'm going to follow my dreams because who knows, I could die tomorrow and on my deathbed I'd lie and think, why? What stopped me?"

My words clearly sat in your mind as you nodded and repeated, "What's stopping me? WHAT'S STOPPING ME?" your words echoed across the city and for a second everything froze.

"What is stopping us, Az?"

and that was the best night of my life,i'llnever forget this store, even if the lights have dimmed and now emit a greenly-grey mixture of the pink and blue which previously lay here. 

you stand there as if you're lost on the island i once promised you i'd step foot on, there is no glow in your eyes now but a dim light as if the darkness entered. 

it's 23:01 on a sunday and i still remember the best night of my life four years ago, with you.

it's 23:01 on a sunday and i still remember the best night of my life four years ago, with you

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