016 even longer ago

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[Twelve years ago]

"Unnie can I go and play on the swings?" The six year-old tugged on her nanny's sleeve.

"Yes go on, I'll sit here and watch you," the young woman smiled down at her. The little girl ran over to the swings that were a few metres away and hopped onto one of them, using the tips of her toes that could barely reach the ground beneath her to push herself. She had been a very independent girl from a young age. She had to be; her parents weren't reliable one bit.

As the girl picked up momentum on the swing, she started kicking her legs in the air, swinging her body back and forth to build height in her swings. She continued repeating this cycle for around fifteen minutes before deciding that she wanted to play on the climbing frame.

She had seen an older boy earlier on the same swing jump off of it as it slowed down, landing perfectly on his feet and running off to his mum. The little girl got inspired by this and decided she was going to pull the same stunt.

She watched the ground below her as the swing slowed down and began judging silently when the right time to jump would be. However, being six years-old and smaller than the average height of someone her age, the girl misjudged her landing and jumped too early, causing her knees to give out and her to fall onto her face.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay?" A young boy, around the same age, came running over to help her onto her feet.

"I-I'm okay," she replied shakily, trying not to cry in front of the handsome six year-old.

"No you're not, you're bleeding!" The boy stared worriedly at the girl's cheek and she brought her hand up to touch it, wincing when she immediately retracted her small hand, seeing blood on the tips of her fingers.

"Here," the boy reached out his hand and the girl hesitantly took it as he pulled her over to an empty bench. "I'll go and get my first aid kit and I'll be right back." He ran off, over to another bench where a young woman sat reading a book. He picked up a miniature play first aid kit and rushed back to the girl. She was looking at the bench where her nanny was and sighed, seeing her talking to a man as usual, not even noticing that she was no longer by the swing set.

"I have wipes and plasters in here so I'll have you cleaned up in no time." He took the pretend stethoscope from around his neck and placed it onto her cheek, trying to feel her heartbeat, even though there wouldn't be one on her face. He frowned and moved it to her heart, smiling when he immediately felt her heartbeat.

The little girl laughed, understanding that the young boy was making a joke to cheer her up. He pulled out a wipe from the first aid kit and gently stroked it on her wound, apologising when she winced from the stinging pain of the antiseptic on it. Finally, he placed a vibrant pink band aid onto her cut, pressing his finger to his lips before touching the plaster with it. This made the girl blush but she smiled and thanked him.

"What's your name?" The boy courageously asked, taking a seat next to her on the bench.

"Song Sarang," she replied with a smile.

"My name is Park Taemin," he said, holding his hand in her direction. Sarang shook it lightly.


is this cliche? i think it is and i'm kinda pissed about it because i hate being cliche but sometimes it's cute ad necessary in the plot of a story so...

oh oh also! it gets a lot more eventful from here on out, consider this the calm before the storm if you like

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