018 it's me

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Taehyung's eyes went wide as his mind flashed with the memories of his past. Like an epiphany, he began to recall every inch of the girl with whom he fell in love's being. Gulping after awakening from said epiphany, Taehyung allowed fate to stare back at him as he instantly flung himself at Sarang, engulfing her in a suffocating hug.

"Tae... can't... breathe," Sarang choked.

"I don't care." His actions contradicted his words as he loosened his grip on her body, still not letting her go.


It was her. Finally after all these years, I was standing in front of the love of my life. It's crazy how a simple deja vu can cause so many lost memories to come flooding back as if the dam holding them back had burst. 

Yet something about this was weird. Everything felt different. She wasn't my Sarang, she was Taemin's, and I could tell by the look in her eyes that I had a lot of explaining to do.

Her expression was a soft angry. That oxymoron was the perfect way to summarise Sarang, though it did her no justice. To even give a stranger a hint of what knowing Sarang was like, a thousand word essay was required.

"How are you-" she cut herself off after I pulled away. "I mean, why?"

"I had to take on a fake name to protect my identity. The day I met you was the day after my mother and I had managed to escape from my father's gang. My father was a firm believer that love should be shared and so he would frequently allow his gang members to join him and my mother in their bedroom at night. One time, I had walked in there after having a nightmare, only to see another man caressing my mother the way only my father should be allowed. I didn't know what was going on at the time, but seeing my father sitting naked in a chair on the other side of the room didn't faze me as I quickly ran to him and begged him to help mum." I paused and let out a shaky breath.

"All he had said to me was that I would understand when I'm older. He then pulled me up onto his bare lap and continued to stroke himself with me sat confused and on top of him. My mother didn't confront my father about this but instead, decided that, in order to protect me, we had to run away. And that's what we did. The next morning my mother woke me up and carried me in her arms as we left through my bedroom window. I didn't know what was going on but she brought me to one of her childhood friend's house and she welcomed us with open arms. The woman gave me a haircut and her and my mother sat down that evening to explain to me the importance of using a name which wasn't my own."

"I still didn't understand any of it but I agreed anyway after seeing the terrifyingly serious expression on my mother's face."

"So, when you met me, did you give me your real name or is Taehyung your real name?" Sarang asked, beginning to ease up after hearing part of the story.

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