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My hands were shaking, my knees felt weak as I looked in the mirror.
Grey uniform? Check.
Phone, keys, purse? Check.
Nervous as fuck? Check.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and locked the door. The day was sunny as I basked in its warm light. It was pretty rare for a warm and nice day like this, so it made me smile.

   I walked to the days facility, my hands        grasping my purse nervously. My hand grasped the doorknob as I twisted it.

Don't screw this up.

I walked in as I saw a [CIVILIAN] with a blue head bandana and curly blonde hair. I sat in the seat that was one seat away from her, there were only 4 seats in the room. After a few minutes I hear someone running, with brown messy hair and a grey sweater saying "still chill".

After the girl and guy were done with their interviews it was my turn. I walked into the office to see the one and only [SUPREME LEADER] Great_Day. He had a mask, cut in half on his face and a service cap with R mirrored on his hat. I saw it was decorated with a golden leaf design.

"Greetings Y/N"
"Um hello"

"What's your age"
" 23"

"Any experience, or training in fighting?"
"I did Taekwondo for 7 years and did akido for 4 years."

I watched as he took some notes down and nodded. I straightened my back assuming he probably approved of that.

"Do you have any other skills or degrees?"
"I have two bachelors degrees for therapy"

I watched as he looked through me seemingly lost in thought. I averted my eyes as he nodded again, and wrote down some more notes, smiling.

"You are looking good, we will contact you to tell you of your results."

  I walked out the building to find [OPERATIVE] Radiant_Day leaning on the wall with a half lidded face. He turned to me and smiled, "so how was it?" He said walking towards me "I don't want to get my hopes up to high, but I think I did pretty well." He giggled, "I told you you would do just radiant~"  I crossed my arms, blushing"oi, well let's not get our hope too high up or else we'll jinx it."

   He looked at my eyes, " It's alright, I'm sure you did amazing like you are~"

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