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      I coated my fork in the mashed potato overflowed with gravy. My face was pretty hot from the nickname Radiant gave me. I slightly glanced at him and he caught me staring at him. I quickly turned my vision away from him as I feel a smirk on his face.

  I fill my mouth with the delicious food presented in front of me. The light fabric of the napkin they gave us was dabbed on my face as I cleaned the crumbles off. I reached for some more napkins only to have my hand bumped into another warm and bigger hand. My face was even more cherry red.

   I look up as I felt a bump on my hand and moved my view to Y/N as I noticed her face become more red. God she is adora...

I really did fall for you hard huh?
Oh if you only knew Y/N.

I saw them wipe and dab their cheek again but missed a spot. I grabbed her hand and guided her to where the little crumbles of food were.
She looked back at me shyly and sheepishly and I winked.

And oh man, that really got Y/N erupting like a hot volcano. She started to shake and covered her hands blushing so hard and brightly. I took a hold of her hands and gently let them down, "don't hide, I want to see your cute face."

  "Don't hide, I want to see your cute face."
Cute?!? Woah this is going fast-
I-I need to catch my breath-
"Jdusdywihddhisjdjdkehdheiwkwehheueu" I stammer and sputter looking down at my plate.

   After we finish paying and eating we leave the diner and walk to my house. "Aw what a shame." I looked up at him. "I wish we could've spent more time together" I also wish, I was having a nice time. "I wish we could've spent more time together so I could see more of that cute look on your face when you get all shy and nervous~"

  I blush once again, been doing that a lot this night. "Ha ha thats the one" He chuckles to himself as our shoulders lightly brushed against each other. After that we began to have a normal conversation about nothing, a few pick up-lines sprinkled here and there until we got to my residence. I thanked him for the time  and was about to turn when he grasped my hand. It wasn't rough or a strong grip on my, but just a soft and loving grasp. He pulled my hand towards him and gave it a lovely peck.

  Our eyes met. "I hope I'll be seeing more of you Y/N~"

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