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|| epilogue ||

As the camp was in a commotion, it was quickly dwindling to chaos. Though she'd been reluctant at first, the small kit hurried out and began working her way around bodies, under and through legs, avoiding getting stomped on. As the small black kit managed to make it to the forefront, she saw Brick. Then Slab. Both trying to settle the group down. Then just behind them, a motionless black lump of fur.

Her voice didn't even make it out her throat, as she barely managed to mouth, "Dad?" Her paws finally moved her closer and she brushed past the toms, climbing over the back of the dark fur  and then standing at his shoulder. His eyes were open but drained of life, half-lidded. She let out a concerned mrrw? as she pawed at his face.

He didn't move. Pressing her head into his neck, she pushed her small body into the space between his chin and chest, curling up as her eyes welled up. She knew something was wrong, but she didn't want to acknowledge.

"Daddy, please get up," she whispered, burying her face into his fur. "Please...I didn't get to say goodbye," her words quickly turned into a whimper, confused and breaking. "Please."

Scarlett jolted awake in her nest. Furrowing her brow, she held her ears back as she stared ahead at the sun rays reaching into her den. I haven't thought about that day in so long. Curling her tail around herself tightly, she began to bury her nose into her paw. "Why now?" Getting up, Scarlett stepped out and took a deep inhale of the morning air, glancing through the chainlink.

Dallas was rough-housing with Rust, and despite the gray cat's threats, she was laughing. Midnight was nosing Speckle around, trying to encourage the small kit to just sit at the entrance and watch the outside. Big Mama sauntered on by with a snort as she greeted Freakfly, one of the other queens. Elleroy split a squirrel with Dandy and Kitty. A few cats headed out to walk the streets.

Overall, it was a serene sight. "Khan?" Midnight called over, clearing her throat. "Could you take a hunting party out soon?"

The Toyger nodded to her. "Of course," he said. As the black and white she-cat turned away to tug Speckle back over as he tried to sneak away back to his den, the tom snorted softly and began scanning the camp. When his eyes found Scarlett, he lifted his head up a bit. Scarlett met his gaze, an oddly calm look on her as she blinked slowly, a reassuring action.

Khan smiled crookedly, winking and then turning back to the camp. "Bijou, Caleb, Kitty, Tink; let's go," he beckoned and turned to lead them out of camp.

"Ugh, that tom's paws never sit still," Tink grumbled in annoyance as he stood up.

Kitty giggled, bumping her hip into the fluffy white cat's. "Don't be jealous, lazy bones," she teased as she trotted hurriedly after the striped one.

Bijou chuckled as she and Caleb followed suit. "I am not lazy, I'm sensitive, Kitty!" Mr. Tinkles growled as he trotted a bit more hastily after them, looking like a jiggly pom pom ball.

Scarlett smiled softly, lifting her chin as she watched them leave with a bit of a fond sheen in her eye. Then, she heard a quiet whisper in her ear. "I'm proud of you, Scarlett."

Her smiled faded a but as she looked down. Then, turning her head she looked up the skies, the sun lighting up her eyes. Some rain clouds were drifting by. "If you mean what you said, don't stay away for too long," she murmured and then ducked through the opening in the fence to tend to her clanmates.

She knew it was only a matter of time before the simpleton, relaxed "daily" routine would be over. So she enjoyed it while it was there, and it was a good thing she did. The clans had no idea what was to come for them, and it would be a challenge in and of itself. But change is apart of life. Life is constantly ticking by. The moment will have to be seized.

Or fall apart.

Other Chapter's Music
"7 Years" - Lukas Graham

Scarlett's Redemption: rise of a new moonWhere stories live. Discover now