chap 11

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Liya pov .

I yawned as I looked myself standing in between of sabha .

You ask why am I in sabha , welll let me give you a flash back .


Wow this cloud feels so good I could just sleep here all day . Who needs to work ? When you can sleep .

Oh god do nt give me food ! Don't give me cloths ! Just give me this cloud to sleep !

Oh yessss I was flying above  mountains , ocean and green land .

That's how I need my life !

Who cares that I am struck in the era of mahabharat ? 

Phew!!!! Thank goodness those people from mahabharat are not here otherwise I wouldn't able to chill .

I looked down as I saw sea , mountains and grassland

With that thought I closed my eyes . After few seconds I could feel the shaking .

Hurry get to the safety earthquake is coming!

Wait I am on cloud , there can be no earthquake! With that the shaking got voilent . With that i fell from the cloud and collied with the hard surface .

"Oh no I am dying !" I mummered as I felt pain from my body

"Princess please wake up ! King asked you to be present in sabha !" Said someone

" I am totally going crazy I am hearing people , who I don't see!" I exclaimed

" Princess don't joke around this time ! You are getting late please open your eyes " that voice said .

Open my eyes ?.....

As I open my eyes , they are collided with a dasi .
I swear I slept for like 20 min why she is waking me up this early

" Princess please get ready you need to be present in sabha today as there are some aligations against you !" She said .

Aligations ? Could that be demon Shakuni ! I swear I would kill that dawft

"Ok you go , I'll get ready and come " I said

With that she took her leave  . I wonder why I am required . Are they gonna send me into prison . Well they can't because today they are not gonna meet cute innocent liya they knew , I am gonna introduced to then the liya I have always been whom they can't give any punishment .

Flashback end

Now you know that was my morning .I looked around me only to see mata kunti  glancing towards me with so much worry and princes looked at me with protective aura I gave them a small smile telling them to calm down .

With that my eyes collied with lord krishan who gave me a mysterious smile , probably knowing my plan for today .

My eyes roamed to other side of the sabha , meeting the eyes of demon himself , he had a sly smirk on his face .

Baby don't worry ! I would turn your smirk into frown soon . Just give me few days .

With that duryodhan and dussasan were discussing something and angraj next to them had a calm face but worried eyes , maybe pity  sending holes to my skull

Fuck  you Angraj I don't want anybody's pity !

With that my eyes collied with the most annoying face of the history , when I say history , it means less than Shakuni more than anybody else .

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