chapter one - coming home

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a/n: this is for my bestie hannah <3 the smut comes later guys dw. p.s. this is a joke

Hannah stepped outside of the airport and into the hot North Carolina weather. 

"wow, it's hot," she said, but that was stupid because it was also hot in New York. 

She had just stepped off the plane from New York City, where she had spent 2 of the best weeks of her life at a journalism camp on a scholarship. She had made tons of new friends such as Nell, Cami, Charlie, David, Beca, Ellen, and Ava. She was sad to leave them, especially since she'd only just begun to get close with some of them on the last night, but she was sure they'd stay in contact. 

Even though she was disappointed to leave New York, she was excited to be back with the pogues. Her best friends were coming to pick her up from the airport - John B, Kiara, Pope, and JJ. She was most excited to see her best friend JJ. Even though she knew they were just friends, she couldn't get enough of his blond locks and blue eyes. He was so f*cking handsome that every time she looked at him she wondered what it would be like if she ever told him that she had feelings for him beyond friendship.

But she didn't want to ruin their friendship. So she didn't say anything.

Hannah heard a honk from afar and turned around to see the familiar VW. She saw Kiara's head sticking out of the passenger seat window and smiled at her friend. 

Hannah got in the back of the vehicle and Pope leaned over to hug her. All her friends called out greetings - except for JJ. 

JJ didn't even look at her. He was looking at his hands in his lap. 

Hannah leaned over to Pope as John B drove out of the airport. "What's with him?" she asked. She was annoyed. Sometimes he got in these weird moods where he just wouldn't talk to anyone. It was obnoxious, especially since Hannah was excited to be back.

"I don't know," Pope shrugged and Hannah made eye contact with Kiara in the front seat. JJ was really killing the vibe. 

Kiara started asking Hannah about her trip - her friends, what she did, about the city - and Hannah almost forgot about JJ's bad behavior for a second. When they got back to John B's house, they all walked inside and sat down in the kitchen. John B got out some beers and they continued talking about the trip.

"So,  do you think you'll stay in contact with everyone?" Pope asked. Hannah shrugged.

"I don't know," Hannah said, "I hope so. We may lose contact after a few months but I guess we'll see."

(a/n: we didn't lose contact <3 11 months strong)

"Who were you closest with?" Kiara asked.

Hannah thought for a moment. "I didn't talk to a lot of the girls until the last night, but I hung out a lot with David and Charlie." 

JJ scoffed and got up and left.

"What the fuck is his problem?" Hannah wondered out loud. 

"He's probably jealous," John B said, "he totally likes you."

And who wouldn't like her? Hannah was beautiful, smart, kind, funny, and a really good friend. But she didn't always see it :(

"No he doesn't," Hannah said, because she didn't want to get her hopes up.

"Go talk to him!" Kiara said, "he really does."

Hannah sighed. She always had to fix JJ's bad mood. And she was positive he didn't like her back, but the thought of it made her giddy.

Hannah followed JJ into John B's bedroom, where he sat on the bed vaping. She knew that nicotine kills and is gross so she didn't ask for a hit. She frowned at him.

"What's your problem?" she asked. He shook his head.

"Nothing," he said. 

"It's not nothing," she said, sitting next to him. JJ was annoying and hotheaded, but there was always a reason why he lashed out.

"I just feel like you don't need me anymore," he finally said, "because you're all smart and went to New York and made friends with all these cool, smart people and I'm just... nothing. I have no future."

Hannah was quiet for a moment. "Yes, I made those friends. But you're my best friend. And I'm not friends with you temporarily. I'm friends with you because I love how you make me feel. You make me laugh my head off and you're nice to me occasionally." He chuckled a bit. "The point is," she continued, "I'll never stop being your friend. Unless you like... kill John B or something."

JJ smiled at her. 

(i'm getting bored of writing this so imma speed it up)

"I have feelings for you," Hannah said wtihout thinking. 

"I do too," Jj said and they kissed. and then jj got down on one kne. "will u marry me?" he asked. hannah nodded w tears in her eyes. 

he pulled out a sea turtle mood ring and put it on her finger. and now they were engaged!

the end

a garbage boy and his little rat / hannah x jj fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now