)Responsibility & Exception(

449 17 0

(Iris's P.O.V.)

It was around seven thirty when we reached the Alpha and Luna's house I got out of the passenger seat and picked up a still sleeping Minna in my arms and walked up to the door with Kyla by my side.

Kyla knocked on the door since I had my arms full.

Luna Rosie came to answer the door in a long sleeve turtleneck.

hi Rosie. i smiled

"hey dear." she said in and exhausted voice.

Rosie, are you alright? i asked full of concern.

Rosie looked at her daughter sleeping in  my arms. her lips moved into a small sad smile.

"oh, don't worry dear I'm ok just a little tired is all." she spoke softly.

i gave her a sad smile as minna cuddled closer to my chest. 

are you sure you're ok rosie? i asked

"im ok sweety. but can you please take care of minna for me. keep her with you for awhile at your house. please?" 

sure Rosie, but if you don't mind me asking. why and for how long?

"I can't tell you why all I can bring myself to say is you will find out tomorrow. as for how long I don't really know dear." she said in a saddened tone of voice.

are you sure about this Rosie? I've never taken care of minna for more than a night and day.

"yes dear i know for a fact that you are capable of taking care of minna."

the luna then connected our mindlink.


(R- ROSIE)       (i- IRIS)

R- iris dear. i know that you know what the alpha does to me and how he treats she-wolves in general. you will never see me again after today im tired and i've had enough and i there is only one way to forever get away from my mate and you know what it is. so please take minna and care for her and protect her for me. and please keep her away from kyle,i love my son but he is turning into his father. take this garbage bag it has minna's clothes and favorite toys and books the alpha doesn't know its her stuff he thinks its trash and also take this letter and give it to minna in a few years.

Rosie handed me the garbage bag and letter with a heart sticker on the envelope to keep in closed.

i- understand rosie. i will care for and protect minna for you. i'm really am going to miss you though.

R- thank you iris. this means so very much to me. i know you will dear your like my own daughter that is why i'm trusting you with my baby girl. now go leave late tonight after going to the mandatory mate finding party for kyle. we don't want the alpha to get suspicious and stop you before you can escape. now go. and never come back if you don't have to. 

i- know where to go. goodbye Mom. I said right before I cut our mindlink.


i walked back to the car and put minna back in the back seat. then went back to the doorway of the house and hugged now silently crying rosie then picked up the garbage bag. and silently and composedly walked to the car. then got into the passenger side of the car.

i turned to kyla with a sad look. i was about to cry. i was hickuping trying to hold back my sobs but i failed and started crying.

kyla pulled my shoulders towards herself and wrapped me into a tight hug. i pulled away and told her to drive home quickly.

we pulled into the driveway and i was still crying my eyes out and sobbing. i got out of the car.

kyla decided that she was going to carry minna inside and that i would get the garbage bag and the letter. i wiped my tears with my sleeve then sobbed my last sob. then grabbed the letter and put it into my pocket and picked up the garbage bag then swung it over my shoulder and carried it like santa would carry his magic sack of presents.

i walked into the house and locked the door behind me. i put minna's stuff in the living room then went to find kyla.

i found kyla in the kitchen with a freshly awake minna sitting on the kitchen counter. minna reached out to me wanting me to pick her up   "i i guess what!" she said as i was picking her up. "i'm sleeping over tonight!" she said in excitement.

i already knew that minnie mouse. i said. 

now how about you go watch netflix kids. while kyla and i order McDonalds i say as i carrying her into the activity room. i sat her down on a bean bag chair then went to order skip the dishes.

i then went back to the kitchen to talk to kyla about what happened.

i asked kyla to order the food and told her i would explain after. kyla ordered the food then hung up and turned to me waiting for me to explain what happened.

~an explanation and a whole lot of crying later.~

 the doorbell rang signaling that the food delivery guy was here. i opened the door and there stood the beloved delivery guy.

thank god! i said a little too excited. 

i've decided that Rosie would not want me to be sad for what is to come and to be happy for her. she is finally going to be free of that monster we all call alpha. kyla said that i can't leave without her because i'm the only family she has left.

the delivery guy snapping his fingers in front of my face brought me back to reality.

oh my god, sorry. i said as i was pulling my wallet out of my pocket to pay him.

as i handed him the money he said. no problem pinkie pie cutie.

i looked at him with a face that said wtf. he pointed to my long hair and said."your hair its pink. get it now?"

oooooh. i said out loud he laughed and smirked but it wasn't one of those jerk like or creepy ones it was a cute one. i hadn't noticed until now but he had a shit ton of rings and piercings which i found really attractive he also had the stereotypical emo hair cut. you know floofy bangs covering his left eye. the ends of his hair was dyed dark purple. damn this guy is hot.

i also recognised him from somewhere his face structure and build looked really familiar to me.

i laughed with him for a second then said.  man, you sure are one to talk. eh twilight. i giggled out with sarcasm.

we both were dying laughing when we suddenly just stared into eachothers eyes. his eyes where like two forest green orbs with specs of brown. damn! i wouldn't mind getting lost in them anyday. but i quickly looked away then asked. what's your real name twilight?

oh um, its Blake but i kinda like twilight better. what about you?

my names Iris but i kinda prefer pinkie pie too.

alright then pinkie pie.

k, well i got to go so i'll see you around i guess. he said.

hey! wait! i yelled. a little to loudly i might add. are you going to the future alpha kyle's mate finding party?

why are you gonna go?  he asked

dude! i'm a she-wolf i have no choice i have to go. besides i'm coming of age officially at 12:00 pm and will be able to find my mate.

"well i wasn't planning on making an appearance but i definitely will now. i wanna find out if i have a shot with you or not." he said with an award winning smile on his face. his dimples popping up. wait oh my god he has dimples this guy just keeps getting better and better.

umm by the way do i know you from somewhere? 

"you'll find out later tonight!" he yelled as he was getting into his black ford truck and drove off.

what did he mean by that? i asked myself as i was walking backward with the food in my hands into the house and shutting the door with my foot. walking to the kitchen calling minna to come and eat.

lets eat!

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