Olivers daydreams

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Oliver was whistling a tune from one of those Broadway shows that Viktor can't stand. Oliver twirled around the hallways carrying a plate of freshly baked cupcakes with pink and blue frosting walking towards Luciano's office. Oliver finally arrived at Luciano's door waiting to get yelled at for disturbing him.

His cruel words didn't matter, as long as it was Luciano, if anyone else treated him this way...well let's say it wouldn't have ended well.

Oliver knocked three times on Luciano's door, putting his ear up against the door. Luciano didn't respond.

The lack of response caught Oliver off guard, Oliver cleared his voice.

"Hey Luci~ I made you some cuppy cakes!"

No response

Oliver's heart started to speed up, at this point Luciano would have definitely responded by now. He looked through the keyhole.

His entire room was trashed, Papers were scattered everywhere, shattered glass decorating the floor. An entire shelf had fallen over while Luciano's desk was completely toppled to the floor.

Worst of all Luciano was nowhere to be found


Oliver dropped the tray of cupcakes onto the floor. Oliver slammed open the door repeatedly calling out Luciano's name, Looking under every single service only to turn out fruitless. Oliver was panicking. Oliver turned his head a little bit behind Luciano's desk. Behind the red curtain, it was caught on a hanger.

The basement

Oliver without a second thought ran. He ran behind the red curtain all the way down the spiral curtain in the interior of the castle to the checkered floor.


Oliver Lit a match to see in the utter darkness, Oliver whispered Luciano's name in hushed misty eyed whispers. Oliver with his shoe touched something foreign, Oliver freaked out accidentally dropping the match to the floor, Luckily the match couldn't catch fire on tile. Oliver gulped as he lit another match closing his eyes, Oliver crouched down. When he thought he could finally open his eyes he did.

His rank sank through the floor, eyes half lidded. Luciano was on the floor, dead, a gun by his side. Oliver didn't shed a single tear. Oliver Simply stared at the dead body in despair. Sitting down with a match in his hand he lit a nearby candle. The two sat in silence, Oliver was unable to look at Luciano, guess it finally happened, wasn't it inevitable either way, he was going to disappear anyways, did it really matter when.

But could he have waited, waited for Oliver, waited for Oliver just a little longer. Did any event, any moment the two of them experienced together-Did Luciano even care about any of them? Did any of those moments even hold meaning? Staring at Luciano's dead eyes, Oliver still was unable to tell.

"Oh Luci, why did I have to find out this way, seeing you here, tonight, not the exact night I had in plan for us, oh not at all. A dinner in Paris by the Eiffel tower, drinking wine and laughing with each other, at 10pm we walk the empty streets of France as if we were young without a care in the world. Just you and me and the moon, feeling the early summer breeze on our cheeks as we stargaze by a beautiful countryside lake throwing stones at old people. Before I drift off to sleep in your arms you kiss me on my forehead as the problems of the world slip away.

Is that too much to ask for?

Is a happy peaceful life where we can finally be happy enough to ask for even if that life is no more than a mere daydream?

Then you had to go, you had to slip away for whatever reason. It doesn't make sense, none of this makes sense, why is it that every time I chase happiness it flies away? Guess everything around me dies after all eh? I am in a constant state of boredom, the utter mundane hell of the world and the entire beyond leaves me with no flavor. For once I felt as though you could finally fill that mundane void of boredom in my soul and heart. It's the other 2ps isn't it, or Eyebee-Eyebee, Eyebee, he married Eyebee.? Why? Will you even remember me when you come back

Even now that you chose not to rule. The least I could do is to fulfill your wishes Luci, I will fight, I will continue to lead after you and in your image and I will rule with an iron fist, no more Mr. Nice Oliver!"

Oliver hugged Luciano's body, Oliver quickly jerked back as he felt water, His entire body was soaked?! Oliver quickly jerked away in disgust. He brought the lit candle closer to the body. There was absolutely no bullet hole anywhere on the body. Oliver investigated the corpse. He turned over Luciano's body so he was now facing him, a black liquid had dried on his mouth, his eyes were shot open in fear.

This was no suicide.

On his body, right on his shoulder something caught Oliver's eye-a hair, specifically a h/l h/c piece of hair-


"She married him, she basically married him. He spent his attention on her, he flirted with her, I helped make her cake, make her ring and give William fabrics to make HER dress. He could have given her a new life and she killed him. She completely offed him. She benefited from his work until she decided she didn't need him for what? How much affection has she stolen?"

Oliver slowly creeped over the body, reaching out to pick up the handgun, There was no doubt in his mind that this was Francesca's, It had her signature Raven print all over it. Maybe they joined together? Or maybe the little brat just stole her handgun. Oliver chuckled, gun in hand.

"Oh (Y/n), You're at wits end, but that won't be the only thing that will come to an end..."

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