First Day Morning Part 1 G

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Grian sat up tiredly and yawned, as he pushed himself onto his feet, stretching his arms into the air. He looked to the clock on his bedside table that read 5:32. He had about two hours to get ready for his first day at the new school. He yawned again. The boy with the magical hair that changed from blonde to brunette constantly—

(seriously, what is his official hair color. Wiki says blonde AND brunette and images also show both! What is his hair color?! Why does it keep changing?! Which is why I settled on magical hair since like Taurtis's headphones/wristbands and Sam's bunny ears, it sets him apart from others.)

— hadn't gotten much sleep last night, kept awake by the memories that haunted him. Usually, he would go to Sam, Taurtis, and/or Dom(though he's a last resort) when it got too much, but they were all fast asleep, and he didn't want to bother them.

Grian knew he should probably get ready now. Yawning once again, he swung open the door to his closet, plain and wooden. In it, many outfits were hung on hangers. Honestly, the now brunette loved to shop for clothes, picking out outfits for every occasion. It baffled his friends on how many outfits he had. About twenty of said outfits haven't even been used yet.

Exhaustion pulling on his every movement, he just picked out the uniform he needed for his new school, Phoenix Drop High. The brunette really hoped that Phoenix Drop High actually had a proper education system that actually their students something. Knowing his luck, it was likely it'd be like Yandere High.

Changing into his new uniform, he thought about what would happen now. They were put in this Witness Protection Program, so they could live normal lives without dying.. Honestly, he kinda wanted to go back to England, not because he missed his family or thought they missed him or anything. He knew they didn't want anything to do with him. Grian just missed his old friends, like Mumbo and Iskall.

He sighed again. He'd given up on going back a long time ago. There was no way he could leave now, plus he couldn't just leave his childhood friends like that. It was an impossible endeavor anyway.

Walking the steps, Grian had decided to prepare some sort of breakfast. He couldn't cook very well, so he'd just get some takeout or something. The now blonde could just wait for the others to wake up and have them cook, but none of them were good at cooking. Taurtis and Sam would burn the kitchen down immediately. Dom.. was surprisingly the best at cooking out of the quartet. It was barely edible though.

Sighing, the teenager exited the house, headed to the nearest place that was actually open at this hour that served food. Quickly ordering and grabbing the food, Grian walked briskly to his new house and new home. He unlocked the door with his copy of the keys, taking off his shoes, and placed the food on the table. The 18 year old glanced at the clock, 6:21. Seeing as the house was silent and peaceful, he doubted they set their alarms for today.

He groaned softly. He really didn't like waking up the others even though he had to do it quite a bit recently. Grian stepped up the steps, heading to Dom's room though he doubted the teen was even there. Dom was usually not in his room instead being out and about, climbing buildings and exploring, or he could be sleeping in the garbage again.. He only hoped that the teen would show up with a unripped uniform at least.

Swinging open the door, his eyes scanned the room and– yep. He was right. Dom wasn't there. Grian shut the door and made his way to Taurtis and Sam's room. The 18 year old slammed open the door as loudly as possible and yelled at the top of his lungs, uncaring for his neighbors, "THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!! WAKE UP!" The two formerly sleeping teenage boys startled out of their beds, falling onto the carpet, Taurtis tangled in a pile of blankets.

"Hu- Huh?" Taurtis said confused, the words that left Grian's mouth not registering in his mind.

Sam cut in, "What!? The house is on fire!?"

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