First Day Classes Part 1 T&S

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The headphone wearing teen allowed his best friend to pull him along, as they ran to school along with Grian and another random girl who tagged along. Hurriedly, the four rushed to Phoenix Drop High, afraid of being late. This was a new start, a chance to begin again with a blank slate, and Taurtis wanted to be a good student this time. He wanted to actually do his homework and be on time for class and for his teachers to like him. He didn't want to get into trouble again...

The panicked group finally reached the school at- "7:58! If we don't wanna be late, we need to get to class right now!" Grian told them, having snuck a brief glance at his watch. If Taurtis wasn't already panicked, he definitely was now! And the trio had no idea where to go for their first class either!

"Hey, um, girl person-" Taurtis reddened a little bit at his weird choice of words though no one else seemed to notice, " D-Do you know where room 109 is?!"

"Um- I think it's-" The girl looked around in panic then pointed in the direction to their right, "Go straight, turn left then it's the first door on your right!"

At those words, Sam pulled him in that direction, causing him to stumble slightly, yelling "Thanks!" over his shoulder. The nice girl rushed in the other direction. It's too bad they never got her name. She seemed pretty nice. They might even have bonded! They could've made their first friend here!

But there was no time to think about that, the three boys raced to the classroom desperately when a bell's ringing echoed through the hall, signaling their tardiness. Man, he were late. Again. And he was really hoping to make a good impression too!

They had just reached the classroom just as the bell tolled. Well, guess they were going to have sneak into class again though it usually never fully worked out.. For Sam, anyway. Grian, however, seemed to have different thoughts, placing his hand on the door knob.

"Wait, shouldn't we sneak in?" Because that's what they'd always do back.. Back home. Taurtis hasn't been away for that long, but he still felt a bit homesick.. He quickly shook himself out of his daze, directing his attention back to his best friend.

"Do you see any way to sneak in?" Grian deadpanned at him.

"Yeah Taurtis."

The black-haired teenager rolled his eyes, feigning exasperation. With that said and done, the now blonde twisted the doorknob and swung open the door. Immediately, the noise that had before been coming from the room that in front of them going silent, as the teacher directed her gaze to her three tardy students.

"You're late. What's your excuse? Let me guess, you got lost," She spoke, turning her head from the rest of the class to their direction.

"Yeah, that's totally what happened. Y'know, we're new, and we don't know our way around," Sam lied without showing any visible guilt or signs of lying, "How'd you guess?"

"I've heard that excuse before. Didn't the school send you a packet showing you exactly where to go?" The unnamed female teacher questioned them suspiciously and coldly. Well, seems like he's already lost this teacher's respect.

"Yees," Grian piped up, not trusting Sam to explain the situation appropriately, "But Taurtis lost it." Although technically not being the actual cause of their tardiness, it was true. The black-haired teenager did somehow mange to lose it.

Taurtis just wanted to check it out a little bit, just get a handle on how the school looked and where everything was, but then, he got distracted and it just disappeared. And, it wasn't his fault that Grian had called for him and then he replaced it! If anything, it's the now brunette's fault!

Unable to actually deny it– since it was true– he just crossed his arms and pouted, looking to the side. Despite knowing it's his own fault, a defensive sentence still left his lips, "Well, if Grian hadn't distracted me at the same time, I wouldn't have lost it!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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