First Day Morning Part 2 G

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Ivy flinched slightly, a brief flash of fear appearing on her face before morphing into a front of anger. "Wha- What is wrong with you!? Are you threatening me!?" She screamed at the bunny hybrid, looking ready to stomp towards him, and suddenly, Grian realized that they were causing quite the commotion. He could see his new neighbors peeking through their windows. Well. That's one way to make an impression.

Well, it's not it's anything new. Pretty much everyone back home hated them or was afraid of them. There were very few people who actually thought of them as any sort of good people.

"U-Um- Maybe that other guy is right," The short girl that was being bullied spoke up, stuttering nervously as everyone's eyes turned to her trembling figure, "M- Maybe- we should all j-just calm down a little bit, ya' know?"

Next to him, Grian could see Taurtis trying to calm a twitchy, murderous Sam down with his hand on his back. "Sam, just stay calm. You don't want to go to jail or an insane asylum again, do you? We'd really miss you." Grian thought he should probably try to help, so he placed his palm on the hand of his best friend that held the knife and placed one under it, gently holding it.

"Taurtis is right, you know. That girl's just being a stupid teenager as teenagers usually are. She doesn't realize the impact of her actions," The now brunette started softly and comfortingly, "Plus, you don't want to get into more trouble again, do you? There are too many witnesses anyway.."

Sam slowly started to calm though an intimidating aura still leaked out of him. Taking deep breaths, he slowly let go of his knife, allowing Grian to take his knife and tuck it away. When this happened, the brunette would take the knife for a little while until he's completely calm and forgot about the situation. Then, he'd give it back since the hat wearing brunette needed it most of time to feel safe. If it's gone for too long, Sam would snap and go crazy.

On the other hand, the pink-haired bully on the other side of the street looked ready to shout, but the pale girl next to her told her,

"Let's just go, Ivy. They're not worth our time." Ivy seemed to want to argue more but hesitance flashed in her eyes, and she turned with a look of petulance.

"Fine! Let's go, Lily, Alex!" She stalked off, not bothering to check if the two followed her. Lily and Alex walked off with her with their heads raised high, leaving a shy raven behind. The petite freshman stared in the direction they left in uncertainly before turning to their direction.

Taurtis obnoxiously and loudly let out a relieved sigh. "Thank god she's gone, am I right?" The raven looked at them questioningly. She probably wanted to know who they were. They did just appear out of nowhere.

"C'mon guys! Let's introduce ourselves!" Sam grabbed onto their hands and pulled them to the other side of the street. Before that, however, they obviously had to do their routine of looking both ways and holding hands. Sam grabbed their hands, pulling them back to the edge of the sidewalk, "WAIT!"

In response, Grian sighed, wondering what he wanted now. "Yes, Sam?" He dragged out.

"We gotta look both ways before we cross the street, Gree-on!" Sam said, stating it like it was an obvious fact.. Which it kinda was, but nonetheless, it was still really annoying. Was this going to be a problem again? Like, when he visited his friends and hung out at the beach, they made a big deal of holding hands and crossing the street really slowly and being really weird.

Grian face palmed. "Not this again.." He was actually all that bothered, but pretended like he was anyway. "I thought we were over this!" The other two played along, joking and smiling with the now blonde.

"Safety, Grian, safety!"

"Yeah, Gree-on! You don't wanna get hit by a car, do you!?"

They bantered a little longer before Grian gave in, sighing loudly and exasperatedly, "Okay, Sam." The bunny hybrid grinned a little wider and playfully replied,

"There we go, Gree-on~"

The blonde sighed again. He really was surrounded by idiots. Sam's grip on their hands tightened even more, as he directed them, "Now look to the left, see any cars?" Grian couldn't help but feel impatient. They're so slow..

"There are no cars, Sam, you could tell with a single glance," Grian groaned impatiently.

"Well you don't know, what if a car suddenly appeared out of nowhere, huh?" His tanned best friend questioned. Grian groaned again.

They looked to the right and really took their time to decide no cars were coming. After wasting maybe two minutes just looking to see if there were cars nearby, the three very, very slowly made their way across the street. Grian looked to his watch, 7:51. Whelp. Guess they were gonna be late to their first day of school. Again. This is why they were always late to class, because Sam and Taurtis would get distracted by this or that and make them late.

Grian tried to tell them about how they had better rush to school, but the other two didn't listen.

"Um, sorry to interrupt- er, whatever you guys are doing, but uh, I think it's almost time for school to start," The shy girl squeaked out from across the street about six feet away from them. That got their attention.


"Gree-on, why didn't you tell us!?" Sam yelled.

"I tried to-" The now brunette started but was interrupted by Taurtis saying, "We can't be late again! We need to hurry!"

With that, the three started running to school. "Hey! You don't want to be late either, do you! C'mon, run with us!" Sam shouted to the short raven over his shoulder. Said girl complied and tagged along with the trio.

(If anyone wants to know, Aph could tell they were going to Phoenix Drop High because she recognized their uniforms. She's also really confused, slightly concerned, and extremely weirded out by the trio.

Last chapter, I was kind of thinking of letting Sam go nuts on Ivy, but thinking about it, I don't really want them to get into THAT much trouble this early on in the story. Rest assured, there will still be some sort of consequence to this. 

I felt like Grian would totally carry around a watch just to TRY to be on time to stuff. Of course, he'd always fail.

Also, for Grian, long sleeves or rolled up sleeves? If anyone's reading this, what do you think would be better? I'm kind of leaning towards long sleeves but rolled up would be more... depressing? I don't know.)

Again, sorry if anyone's OOC. Aph's probably a bit too shy here, but I don't really have the best handle on these characters. Plus, it's been a while since I've watched PDH and MyStreet.

Also, sorry that this chapter is quite a bit shorter. 

Thank you for spending your valuable time reading this story!

—Ana <3

(P.S. Did you know you don't actually have to wait 48 hours to report someone as missing?) 

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