Chapter 3

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third pov

Suga: "Daichi...You cheated on Y/n?" he asked in disbelief. He can't believe his childhood friend would cheat on someone.

Tsukishima: "What some great captain you are." He bumped Daichi's shoulder going after Y/n along with Yamaguchi.

Daichi: "Guys I didn't mean-" starting to feel guilty.

Takeda: "I'm disappointed in you Sawamura-san. You know Y/n past life with her family and with her mental health but you decided to break her trust. I thought you knew better..." Takeda then left.

Hinata: "why..." he looked at Daichi with angry eyes. "YOU are the reason why Y/n was acting weird this past week...Why...Why did you do that to Y/n when she did nothing but give you everything." Hinata just couldn't believe it. He soon left also with most of the other members leaving the third years together.

Asahi: "Daichi? it true?" He asked hesitantly scared of the truth. Asahi treats Y/n as a little sister.

Daichi: "...Yeah...I did after I was with her for 5 months I started to also go out with bf/n." He didn't know why but Daichi's heart started to sting a bit. 

Sugawara shook his head in disappointment. They then heard a noise. *Knock knock* They turn their heads to the door to see bf/n. Asahi and Suga looked each other with a knowing look and both sighed.

Suga: "Just know the damage you and bf/n did to Y/n. She won't forgive you guys easily...especially you Daichi." He said in a disappointed tone and both Suga and Asahi left the gym not bothering to look at bf/n.

bf/n walked up to Daichi confused to why he's alone.

bf/n: "Baby? you okay?" 

Daichi was having flashbacks of the times him and Y/n were actually having fun. This for some reason made his heart hurt. Daichi then snapped out of it and looked at bf/n with a closed eye smile.

Daichi: "Yeah I'm fine. Come on let me take you home." She nodded and they both headed home.

*With Y/n*

Y/n was in her room just on her bed curling herself in a fetal position. No blanket on her because it was thrashed on the floor on her room along with other broken things that Daichi gave her and the pictures torn on the floor. Y/n's room was a mess.

One of Y/n's arm draped on the edge of the bed with blood dripping down her fingers to the floor, the other just facing down on the mattress by her chest, blood coating the mattress at that spot. Y/n was just staring at nothing...emptiness in her eyes. Her sad music playing in the background. (play at top)

After a while Takeda came home and heard Y/n's music. Thinking she needs time he waited for the team to come. (Daichi is obviously at home so when I say team it's the team that is there right now) After a few minutes the rest came to hear faint music coming from a room. 

Takeda decides to lead the team to Y/n's room. Takeda knocks on Y/n's room.

*knock knock*

Takeda: "Y/n?...Can I come in?" there was silence on hearing the faint music. "Y/n?..." After hearing no response. "Y/n...I'm gonna come in okay?" He said softly. Takeda looked behind him to see the team right behind him and gave them a look of not doing anything to scare Y/n.

The team honestly never saw Y/n break down like that. They always saw her as a bright person who was nice, caring, friendly, etc. They never saw her sad so when she broke like that in front of front of them. They were surprised.

Takeda opened the door slowly to a dark room and the light from the hallway comes into the room. They see ripped pictures on the floor. Takeda turns on the light switch and they all gasped at what they saw. Y/n's room is a mess of broken glass on the floor and other stuff Daichi gave Y/n.

Their eyes then moved to Y/n to see her empty eyes staring at nothing which made certain peoples heart clench at the sight. Ennoshita quickly took pictures of the scene to show Daichi what he's done tomorrow. Takeda tells some of the members to get stuff to clean her room. Only Hinata, Tsukishima, Nishinoya, and Suga weren't doing anything as they followed Takeda to Y/n. 

After carefully walking across the floor Tanaka gave Takeda the first aid kit. Hinata got on Y/n's bed and climbed over her to get behind Y/n and putting her head on his lap. Hinata then ran his fingers through Y/n's hair. Nishinoya lied down near the head of the bed so his head is in front of Y/n making them have eye contact.

Nishinoya then put his hand on Y/n's cheek and caressed his thumb in a soothing motion and whispers that everything is going to be okay for her and other calming things. Tsukishima sat at the end of the bed and then lied down to wear his head is laying on top of Y/n's stomach and wrapped his arms around Y/n's hips and caressed them in a soothing motion to help Y/n know that he's there with her.

Suga decided to help Takeda clean up Y/n's hands from her fingernails that dug into her palm and the glass from breaking the picture frames. Once they bandaged up her hands Suga sits on the floor and gently holds Y/n's hands caressing them. Takeda goes out to make a phone call to someone. After about 10 minutes Y/n's room was clean and the team decides to sit against the wall or lie down on the floor.

After a few minutes Y/n's body then reacts to everything.

Y/n's pov

I looked straight to see Nishinoya's eyes in front of mine. I felt someones hands run through my hair and someone on my stomach and someone holding my hand. Once I felt all this comfort a bunch of emotion ran through my head and body. Tears come out of my eyes and I started to cry and wail like a baby gripping the hand that was holding mine. I held whose ever hand that was like I was going to lose that person.

We love another sad chapter....sorry not sorry.

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