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June 25 2018

L-here you go Jaylon. she said as she put down a plate of food
Ja-thank you Lola
L-ok now if you don't mind me asking why did you run away
Ja-well um it's a very long story
L-tell it

There was when Jaylon told Lola everything telling someone else and talking about it actually helped Jaylon.

L-wow i never imagined going thru that and you left your brothers
Ja-yea i'm starting to regret it but it's the only way to get away from stuff
L-Jaylon i did the same thing when i was around 15 it wasn't long but i did run away for about 6 months do i regret leaving at such a young age yes of course. but do i regret it no not at all cus while i was gone i found myself again i stayed with a friend of mine that no one knew i missed my family a lot but i returned. now you can stay as long as you want but i just hope you go home to your family one day
Ja-i hope so too
L-now i gotta a fun day ahead of myself i have to go to work now you can order food if you'd like but i will see you at 8

Lola had left leaving Jaylon all alone in such a big house she thought about texting Josh telling him she was ok but then again they would make her come back home which she didn't want. She decided to go on instagram and saw Josh posted a picture of them two in honor of her 'death' she had accidentally liked the post. After 4 minutes of realizing what she did she immediately unliked the post knowing Josh got a notification


Josh Pov

i was laying in Jaylon's room crying my eyes out when my phone dinged i looked and saw it from instagram i assumes it was someone liking my post so i looked at it and i was shocked. it had said 'jayloncosentino liked your post'. how did she liked my post? she's dead i started thinking the worst maybe someone took her phone. and then it hit me maybe she ran away. i immediately got up and ran downstairs to get Kairi

J-we gotta go now
J-the hospital now
K-why what happened
J-no time to explain let's go now
K-ok ok hold on

I sped to the hospital not even caring if i ran a red light when i got there i asked for Dr.Stevens.

J-Hi i'm here to see Dr.Stevens. surprisingly she had been walking around the hospital
Dr.S-Josh hi what can i do for you
J-wheres my sister
Dr.S-Josh i told you she died
J-no she didn't she's alive where is she
K-Josh she's gone come on let's go
Dr.S-Josh i'm sorry
J-no she liked my post on instagram that was her she's alive
Dr.S-shes not Josh she died during the surgery
J-Dr.Stevens she's alive i know she is
Dr.S-shes not Josh
K-come on man let's go

i walked out of the hospital with tears in my eyes i really thought she was alive i really thought she was

Third Pov

Dr.Stevens wanted to tell him "your sister is alive she's in Albuquerque" but she knew that wouldn't help her and she would hate her. She felt so guilty that she couldn't tell him he was clearly in so much pain with the loss of his sister and all he wanted was her. After stressing Dr.Grey had noticed she was upset

Dr.G-hey Izzie are you alright
Dr.S-i'm not
Dr.G-what happened
Dr.S-ok i'm going to tell you but you cannot tell anyone
Dr.G-what is it
Dr.S-Jaylon is alive
Dr.G-what no she's not she died remember you were there
Dr.S-she survived but she wanted me to help fake her death so she could run away so i did and her brother came by and he thinks she's alive and she is i can't believe i did this
??-did what

The two young doctors looked up and saw Dr.Burke

Dr.B-what did you two do
Dr.G-Izzie tell him
Dr.S-i helped fake a death
Dr.B-you what
Dr.S-i helped a girl fake her death like she wanted
Dr.B-Do you have any idea what you've done if the family finds out they will sue us for faking a death does the family know
Dr.S-no they don't
Dr.B-no one better find out until then your not stepping foot in surgery for a month
Dr.S-yes Dr.Burke

and with that he walked off. feeling guilty Dr.Stevens knew she had to tell the family so she asked Jaylon

Dr.S-Jaylon hi um i need to talk to you
Ja-what's up
Dr.S-your brother almost found out about you
Ja-what how
Dr.S-he said something about instagram
Ja-shit i liked a post does he know
Dr.S-no i didn't tell him but two other nurses found out
Ja-what no they're gonna make me come home they're gonna tell my family
Dr.S-they won't cus if they do your family will probably sue and we don't want that but Jaylon you need to tell them your ok
Ja-no it's gonna ruin my plans please don't tell them
Ja-please Izzie
Dr.S-i won't

Feeling even more guilty that she had to keep this from her loving caring family who mourned over her death. "what am i gonna do" Izzie told herself

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