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July 3rd

Jaylon was still in shock her brothers were coming happy but mad that she wasn't going to get away. She ran inside the building

S-hi again
Ja-do you know who Joaquin Alvarez is
S-oh yes he's the one who walked out with Lola
Ja-well her car is still here
Ja-what's his address
S-i'm afraid i can't give away that information
Ja-mkay listen Kathy my friend is missing and if you don't tell me where the hell this boys house is i will burn this place to the ground. i faked my death i will sure as hell burn this school down
S-fine this is his address
Ja-thank you Kathy :)

They walked out of there with the address and headed there

A-is it weird that i was turned on by that
Ja-yes yes it is weird
A-ok now lets go to the address
Ja-we need to go to the house
Ja-Josh found me and he's coming with Kairi
A-aw your gonna see them again
Ja-yea so can we go home for now i'm tired of walking and when Josh and Kairi get here we can take their car
A-alright my love lets go home

They interlocked their fingers and walked home Jaylon was excited to see her brothers again but scared on how they would react to her "plan" to run away. As they made it home they saw their glass door shattered they both looked at each other with a face of worry and walked inside there was a baseball bat Lola had kept in the front closet since she lived alone. Jaylon grabbed it as they turned the corner into the kitchen they saw nothing but they heard something upstairs in her room. They went upstairs opened the door to reveal. Josh and Kairi. She dropped the bat making Josh and Kairi turn around and look at her in shock there eyes filled with tears

J-JJ. he said as he walked towards his sister and hugged her so tight with tears coming down his cheeks
Ja-Joshie. she turned her head and saw Kairi smiling with tears
Ja-kai kai

they hugged each other she missed her brothers more than anything and was so happy that she was seeing them again

J-i missed you so much
Ja-i heard
K-why did you run away
Ja-i just wanted to take a break
J-and you couldn't include us
Ja-you would've talked me out of it
K-true can we just not focus on the past what's good is that your here
J-and alive
Ja-yea i am
A-did y'all break down the door
J-no that was here when we got here we came inside cus we thought something happened to you guys
Ja-well then who broke the door
A-lets pay that visit to Joaquin
K-wait what
Ja-Dr.Stevens sister Lola lives here she was letting me stay here with her she didn't come home yesterday and we went to her job she didn't make it and we went to her school her car is there the secretary said she left with some guy we got an address-
A-cus your sister is a total badass
Ja-anyway we were gonna go to address but we came home cus izzie told me you were coming
J-well lets go to the address

All 4 of them went to the address Jaylon was still nervous about what she would find hopefully it was Lola well Lola in one piece.

They made it to Joaquin house and knocked on the door

Ja-i will do the talking

The door opened and revealed a very young very attractive boy


Jo-can i help you
Ja-where the fuck is Lola Stevens bitch
Ja-did you not hear me where is she
Jo-how would i know she left me hanging
Ja-yea i know you left with her after school so where is she
Jo-no i didn't
Ja-yes you did
Jo-no i didn't
Ja-yes you did right
Jo-i didn't we were supposed to hang out before her shift at pops but she ditched me and left with Marcus Baker
Ja-so she didn't go with you
Ja-what's his address
Jo-i am not giving you it
Ja-alright Joaquin listen to me i faked my death i fooled all of new jersey i was dead now if you don't give me the address i will make you fake your death minus the fake

He gulped by how scary Jaylon she was short but very scary

Jo-this is the address
Ja-that wasn't so hard no was it
Jo-alright bye
Ja-haha we got the address

they all looked at her with complete shock they had never seen Jaylon be so scary well Alejandro saw earlier

J-what the fuck
K-you just scared that guy
Ja-no i didn't
A-you shoulda seen her at the school she threatened to burn the place down
Ja-any way lets go

Play song

One week it had been one week Lola was officially declared missing they had gone to Marcus Bakers house but it was an abandoned hospital another dead end. They tried going back to Joaquin but he had left town knowing everyone would be after him since he lied and would be a suspect. It was raining in Albuquerque they had organized a search party for Lola as they went searching in the deep woods where college party's were held


with dogs barking and police swarming the woods calling out for her they never found her. As they continued to look for her with the rain picking up Jaylon never stopped she stayed up day and night to find her.


as they got deeper and deeper in the woods they found an old cave near the lake they searched it and there lied the body of 21 year old Lola Stevens


Forever&Always~Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now