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June 26th

Jaylon was woken up from a loud bang she immediately ran downstairs to see someone she didn't expect Alejandro..

A-Jaylon omg i missed you come on let's go
Ja-how did you find me i'm not leaving
A-come on Jay
Ja-no Alejandro

Just then she woke up it was all a dream why was she dreaming of Alejandro she hated him he was the reason she ran away. She got up and took a shower hoping to forget about her dream when Lola knocked on her door.

L-hey i'm going to get breakfast want anything from Ihop
Ja-yea i want (whatever you want)
L-ok be back soon

After she left Jaylon was thinking about texting Josh to tell him she's ok so he can stop crying and worrying but it would ruin everything.

Fast forward 5 days

Tomorrow would be Jaylon's funeral in new jersey everyone from her school would be attending. Even some Doctors from the hospital especially Izzie Meredith and Dr.Burke knowing that they were the only ones who knew she was alive. They had buried her casket without even opening it cus Josh couldn't handle to see his sister in a casket about to be buried forever. At of all of them Josh was affected the most he and Jaylon had been inseparable and now she was gone forever. After the funeral Alejandro stayed longer just staring at the casket when Taylor came up from behind him

T-hey babe are you ok
A-no i'm not she's gone for good
T-i'm sorry Ale
A-Taylor i can't do this we have to break up
A-i cant i love Jaylon i loved her since the summer started i never stopped loving her
T-you know Alejandro i'm not mad cus i knew you did i saw the way you would look at her and it's ok i know you love her. so goodbye Alejandro

just as she left Dr.Stevens appeared

Dr.S-come here Jaylon is alive she asked me to fake her death so she could run away
A-what were is she
Dr.S-you can't tell anyone not Josh Kairi Mattia only you
A-i won't
Dr.S-Albuquerque New Mexico go there i'll give you her address
A-thank you Dr.Stevens can you drive me to the airport
Dr.S-yea here's my number call me when you get there and i'll give you the address
A-ok come on hurry let's go

Adrenaline filled Alejandro body he was finally gonna see Jaylon again he had felt so guilty but she was never gone and now would be the perfect time to tell her how much he loved her. They arrived at the airport as Alejandro bought a ticket to Albuquerque

??-flight 7729 to Albuquerque New Mexico is boarding
Dr.S-go now call me when you get there
A-i will thank you

He ran and boarded the plane but in Albuquerque well...


Jaylon had been stressing over Alejandro she missed him more than anything she wanted to hug him kiss him cuddle with him she instantly started to regret everything but she couldn't return cus Izzie could lose her job. She cried knowing she couldn't feel his touch anymore. It was the next day 10:21 am Lola had left for school and wouldn't be back till 4 then she would leave again for work. She had ordered food still stressing about Alejandro when the doorbell rang. "finally" she said to herself as she made her way downstairs. She opened the door and saw him Alejandro

sorry this is short

Forever&Always~Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now