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They all woke up and got dressed Jaylon had made waffles and set plates for they boys. She was nervous/excited to be spying on Kathy cus maybe she might find Lola. They were all eating while Jaylon was going over the plan again

Ja-ok remember Josh and Kai y'all are-
K-at pops we know
J-you told us like a million times yesterday
A-babe i think we're good
Ja-hurry up its already 10 cus all y'all took forever to get ready
J-hey how come Alejandro didn't get sprayed with water
Ja-cus i didn't want to spray him
K-then how did he get up
A-she said we could have fun tonight. he said smirking
J-ew Jay
Ja-i hope y'all know that we're going to the fair after this that's what i meant by fun
A-oh then i'm going back to bed
Ja-stay here
A-fine i'll stay
J-why is our sister so scary. he whispered to Kairi
K-she just is
Ja-i am not scary
A-well not scary looking your hot but like scary you scare people
J-you threatened to kill Joaquin
A-you threatened to burn down a school
K-you broke Lucy Hamilton's nose in 7th grade cus she said our dog was fat
J-shall we continue
Ja-no that's quite enough
A-your scary
Ja-i know i am
K-hey um Mattia texted me
Ja-what did he say
K-"hey Kai i haven't seen you Alejandro or Josh are y'all ok i miss Jaylon so much she means everything to me just lmk if y'all are good"
Ja-oh wow we should um get going
A-yea lets go

Alejandro could feel himself getting jealous now that he was finally with Jaylon Mattia came in the picture and ruined it. The last thing he would want is for him to lose Jaylon after everything that has happened between them he didn't want to make a big deal out of it so he just kept quiet. Well that was until Jaylon saw he was getting mad

Ja-hey what's wrong
A-nothing what do you mean
Ja-your mad
A-i'm not mad
Ja-yes you are
A-what makes you think that
Ja-your clenching your fist and your jaw
Ja-now why are you mad?is this about the text Mattia sent Kai
Ja-look at me. i love you more than anything yes i did have feelings for Mattia but i don't anymore ok he doesn't even know i'm alive so you have nothing to worry about
A-ok i love you too
J-hey lovebirds we gonna go or what
A-yea remember we're all meeting at pops at after her lunch break
J-yes we remember bye be carful

They got into separate cars and drove separate ways. For about thirty minutes nothing happened

Ja-maybe you were right maybe she didn't take Lola god i feel so stupid
A-hey your not stupid i know you rlly want to find Lola
Ja-i know i just-hold on Josh is calling me


Ja-hey Josh what's up
J-um Kathy lives on Avenue right (idk what to put so we're gonna go with that)
Ja-yea why
J-she just left pops and she's not headed towards Avenue we're following her rn she's headed somewhere else
Ja-follow her than tell me where so me and Alejandro can meet you there
J-ok bye

A-what happened
Ja-Kathy went somewhere else their following her rn we'll meet them there when they give us the address
A-see babe your not stupid
Ja-i guess im not
A-so did you really mean what you said
Ja-said what
A-that the "fun" we would have would be at the fair
A-come on we haven't done it in like a week
Ja-i don't care Ale
A-please. he said as he slowly began to slide his hand up your thigh
Ja-no. you slapped his hand
A-i know you want to
Ja-haha but i don't
A-fine can i have a kiss

Y'all kissed and waited for Josh to tell y'all the address. Jaylon thought maybe she did have Lola and maybe they were about to find her. Josh finally called and told them the address

J-we got the address
J-but Jay
J-it's the abandoned hospital yk the place Joaquin gave us
Ja-oh shit we'll be there soon

A-what is it
Ja-it's the abandoned hospital the one Joaquin gave us
A-do you think she's there
Ja-that or Kathy is really creepy for being at an abandoned hospital
A-says the one who has copies of her schedule
Ja-whatever lets just go

They headed there and saw Josh and Kairi waiting there. They all got out of their cars ready to head inside

J-alright we stay in pairs me and Kai you and Alejandro
K-can i be with Jaylon
Ja-yea Alejandro you can go with Josh
A-alright please be careful
Ja-i'll be fine come on Kai

K-now tell me everything that has happened between y'all for the last 2 weeks
Ja-nothing really he keeps wanting to do it but i don't want to my main priority is finding Lola plus i'm 16 i don't wanna get pregnant
K-aw but i wanna be an uncle
Ja-well your gonna have to wait a little while
K-just imagine little Alejandro's and Jaylon's running around
Ja-oh i can't imagine if cus i don't want to
K-Jaylon Rosario has a nice ring to it
Ja-Kai i'm not getting married rn
K-So i kinda gotta tell you something
K-when Alejandro left New jersey i maybe might have i don't know slept with Taylor
Ja-what Kairi Samuel Cosentino. she said as she slapped his arm
K-Jaylon Jennifer Cosentino. he said as he slapped her arm
Ja-you slept with Taylor how? Why?
K-we were both hurting Alejandro had just dumped her and i had "lost" my sister
Ja-oh my god you slept with her when you know i hate her
K-yes i'm sorry but i actually like her
Ja-i'm gonna be sick
K-dont be dramatic
Ja-no Kairi i'm actually gonna be sick

She had thrown up in trash can

Ja-Kai what's the date
K-it's July 11th why
Ja-oh my god
Ja-i missed my period

looks like you might be prego

ok but do you wanna be prego

Forever&Always~Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now