Chapter 1

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This morning was the worst for me. I had overslept and had to bath and change in record time. I was dressed in a floral dress just above the knee, some sandals and my school bag. It was mid-semester and I was the number one student, for me it was nothing to be impressed for. I just taked a glass of orange juice, partly skipping breakfast. Don´t get me wrong, I was not some girl that worries about her weight but it was natural from me to skip it.

Reaching school was the problem, I literally had to run for 15 minutes straight to get to class. Panting I entered the classroom in the last minute.

"Seems like someone took a lot of sleep today." Ryan, the jocker of the class, said to me.

"Oh shut up, you can´t even keep with yourself prick." I groaned. Everyone catched my mood so they didn´t make the effort to talk to me. Few minutes later the teacher, Miss K, entered the room.

"Goodmorning class, take out your copy of Macbeth, it will have to be readed for this Friday." Loud groans and dissaprovement comments were talked. For me it was easy, I really like to read and write, they were like my hidden passions only my friends knew about this. "Class, class! I´m not asking you, I´m telling you. Could you please be like Bethany and give it a try?" Everybody turned to look at me, I flashed them my best in-your-face smile. 

I wasn´t known from being a nerdy, but I was really fond into book. Plus, they take me to another world. A world were I don´t need to be shy. My problem is that I am very shy with new people. That´s why I had my little group of friends.

Lunch time arrived and I met my friends in the cafeteria. "Girls, girls, girls! Gossip news!", we heard Abigail screamed. She was into boy a lot, not being embarrased of it. "Gossip tells that some new guy entered school and is our grade. Plus everyone is drooling for him." she added

"So, even boys drool about him?" Rachel said in a playfull tone. She was the one making us always laugh. 

"Oh shut up you girl! You haven´t had a relationship with a guy in your entire life so shush" Abigail said over-exagerating. Fun fact is that neither she had relationships, she was like a pass of wind for boys.

"Aby you are not the one for saying that," Melanie said. "You are almost like a one night stand for boys"

"You too shut up prude. You and your pretty little boyfriend get on my nerves!". And it was true, Melanie and Jacob met just a few months ago but since they saw each other, they liked each other. Couple of weeks later she said yes to him and they were kissing. Not a problem, but what really gets in our nerves was that they kissed each other infront of everyone. With tongue and everything. Disgustingly, we have to hear that.

"Ummm... soo... do you want to hear my dream?" Florence said to distract us from Abigail. She had the weirdest dreams I ever heard. We all said yes at unison and she started to tell us a dream starred by Loki and her. When she spoke her last words, I saw the time and see that I was running late.... Again.

"Sorry girls, gotta go to History. I´ll catch you guys later." Everyone said goodbye and I was on my way to my locker. I was too concentrated on what I was thinking that I almost fell in my face.

But some arms catched me before reaching the floor. I opened my eyes to see who this arms belong to. Infront of me there he was, in all his glory. I didn´t know who he was but he was a really attractive Greek god.

"Are you okay?" 

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