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"So darling, howwas your day?" Alastor asked as he finished up setting the table,the apartment that they shared, part of Gateway Apartments. Charlie,bless her little cotton socks, had reached some kind of success withher hotel. She didn't manage to do the whole 'inside of every demonis a rainbow' but she got the demons who came to her hotel to calmdown.

With the successshe and Vaggie decided to start up an apartment building for thoseshe considered 'redeemed' and they had to pay rent and the money theyearned from the apartment helped supplement the cost of the hotel.

"Eh okay,nothing to write home about but I've had worst days." Alastor knewthat Angel Dust was talking about, he had stopped 'offering hisservices' as he used to call it but still worked in the adult filmindustry, he was still hell's favorite angel even if he had given upall drugs, even his beloved angel dust.

Still he enjoyedsex and this should be perfect for them. Anthony was a very sexualbeing and Alastor did not want anything like that, he loved hisdarling Angel Dust but he just felt no need or want for that. He'dnever look down on him for having a high sex drive, sometimes hewondered if there was something wrong with him.

Before he nevercared but now with Angel Dust it was...a bit harder to ignore. Heunderstood that the men he had sex with was just work, that he likedsomeone wanting him and it having absolutely nothing to do with hisbody. But would it last forever? Would Angel Dust one day want morefrom their relationship? He knew that the man was attracted to him,knew he sometimes required 'alone time' where Alastor would be thegentleman and vacate their bedroom for an hour or so. He could hearthe muffled cries and knew that if he listened closely he could hearhis own name panted out and while it was something he didn't want itstill felt...nice, it might not be something he wanted nor somethinghe lumped in with love, knowing Angel somehow found a way tointegrate something that Alastor couldn't do for him into his own waywas strangely touching.

"Finally!Done...stupid lemon sauce." Angel Dust grunted finishing with thewhisk in the small sauce pot. "Sorry about that babe, but how wasyour day?" Ah, so he got caught up in the sauce he was making.

"I had a lovelyday, but darling why are you making the lemon sauce if you don't likeit?" That was something he couldn't understand, Alastor neverminded cooking, it was not something he went out of his way to do butit was something that he knew was very important to get ready. Hedidn't even love to eat, but if he had to eat, which he did, hewanted it to be something worth while, which is why he often cookedand loved to share what he made with anyone who would listen. If onlymore people here in hell would be open to realizing how deliciousjambalaya and gumbo and all the other dishes from his human lifewere.

"What are youtalking about? The lemon sauce is delicious," the spider demon wasright, "just a pain in the ass to make." Tonight their dinner wasangel hair coated in lemon sauce with shrimp. Alastor was strangelyquiet throughout the meal, Angel noticed but didn't know exactly whatto say. What could he say? Even after three years of dating he wasstill not always sure how to pull Alastor from his own mind.

At least hestopped with the always always smiling thing. Angel Dust loved totrace the laugh lines from his constant smiles. At least the radiodemon knew that the spider would always be there for him and he wouldopen up when he was ready.

He was ready oncethey were settled into bed.

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