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      I wake up the next morning to the sun shining in my face. I open an eye, cautious of the blinding rays, but regret it immediately when it shoots directly into my eye. I pick up my pillow and cover my face with it letting out a groan.

      Before the pillow could cover my face properly I glance at the alarm clock beside my bed. 7:30am?! It must have stopped working.

      I shoot out of the bed immediately. Thirty minutes before school starts, I had to hurry. I pause in my tracks as I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.


      I run into the bathroom, closing the door softly behind me, trying not to make any noise, the door opens the same mine closes. I exhale slowly as I wait, the door closes back after a few minutes. I wait a little longer, making sure she had gone. After about two more minutes, I open the bathroom door and peep into my room.

      No one in sight.

      I turn on the shower and lock the door, just to be sure. I remove my clothes and enter the shower letting the warm water slide down my back, my mind somewhere else.

      After the shower, I put on some clothes I had left behind and carried my bag, then I remembered I needed breakfast. Hanging my bag over both shoulders, I tip-toe downstairs and to the kitchen, passing her room quietly. I collect a bag of chips, soda and an apple. I stuff it into my bag and went out through the door.

******** ******** ********

      I walk into the school with exactly five minutes to spare. I walk swiftly to my locker and start getting my books out for the next class. It feels like someone was using their gaze to drill a hole into the back of my neck. I turn around to see who it was.


      Our gaze lock and we glare at each other but I turn away first in annoyance. They really need to stop following me, I don't need someone breathing down my neck.

      "Hey Cedric", a familiar voice calls. I look at my side to see Dave walking towards me. Finally, I really need someone to talk to.

      "Hi", I swing my bag over both shoulders.

      "Look, I'm sorry about last time. I was a little worked up and I thought you were going to replace your best friend and to be honest that won't be cool", he apologizes with guilt written all over his face.

      "No problem", I assured. "I need to talk to you about something." Seems like the best time to tell him about Simon and the powers, he is my best friend after all.

      "Yeah what?"

      I look over his shoulder to see Simon still staring at me like a creep. He shakes at me, and I know he was silently telling me to keep my mouth shut. I had to do this, I don't trust him anymore. I need Dave now. I turn my gaze back to Dave and ignore Simon.

      "Not Now", at that moment the bell went off. "During practice", I conclude, which he agrees to and walks away. When he was gone, my eyes caught Simon again and he still stood where he was, shaking my head, I walk away.

      After three classes and constant stares from Simon, who happens to be in all my classes, it was time for practice.

      I make my way to the locker room with the rest of the soccer team and start changing for practice. I put my shirt over my head as Ben and his friends enter the room. I scanned his appearance and I noticed, he was walking quite well for someone who had his leg broken the previous day.

      Coach entered after him. "Okay boys! To the field!!" he yells at us and walks out. We all know that if we kept him waiting, we were in for it. So everyone rushed out through the door. Just then I decided to make small talk with Ben.

      I walk over to his locker and he is putting his shirt on, "Hey Ben."

      He turned in my direction and growls, "What do you want now Cedric?" He asked opening his locker to bring out his boots.

      "How's the leg?"

      He looks down to his supposed-to-be-injured leg, shrugging at my question, "Never felt better". He places his leg on the bench and starts tying the laces of the boot. The silence was deafening as I kept a close eye as he moves. "Doesn't mean I won't get you back for what you did, Cedric", he comments not baring me a glance.

      "Would be good if you tell me when, so I can be ready", I leaned on the locker across him.

      "Didn't tell me you were going to break my fucking leg, did you?"

      "You didn't seem to need it if you snapped your leg back in place", I counter, placing with fire now.

      "I could but where is the fun in that?" He asked rhetorically, not wanting an answer. He puts his last leg down on the floor and stamps it noisily. "But a warning would be good".

      "And when is this happening?"

      "Now". He walks towards me with speed trying to intimidate me, but I stood my ground staring him straight in the eye.

      When he was close enough his voice suddenly grew deeper than normal. "Get in my way again and so help me you will become the locker".

      I forced myself not to laugh. Of all the way to threaten someone you use that? Why the hell would I become the locker? "And why is that?" I voiced out my thought with enough confidence now.

      "So I'll be able to do this." His hands raised up within a second, already a fist and it came crashing down to the locker, making a dent and a loud sound. If he had put a little more effort to it the locker would have a hole in it.

      "You have been warned", he whispered near my ear and left me standing there, my back pressed to the locker and my heart pounding rapidly from fear.

      That was one heck of a warning.

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Thanks for reading.


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