Chapter 22

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It is finally the day we go to the mansion and Simon, Alexis and I dress up. I wore black jeans and a black long sleeve button up shirt and a pair of black leather boots. My heart is racing like the first time I went for my first mission but Alexis looks worse than I do.

Her hands are shaking as she tries to wear her gloves. I know what she is feeling. I have experienced it before. "Chill out Alexis, you look like you have seen a ghost and we aren't there yet", Simon says while walking into the next room to get more weapons.

Next work, Simon.

I place my hand over hers to stop the shaking and stepped a bit closer to help her with her gloves. I carefully slip her fingers through the holes and tighten the glove around her wrist. I look down at her as I am doing her other hand and she too is looking at our hands.

"You know I won't let anything happen to you right?" I mutter for her hearing only, not too sure if Simon is still in the other room.

"Yeah I know", she mutters when I'm done, but I let my hand linger over hers. I look down to her face and she is already looking at me, before I can say anything to her, her lips find mine.

I am taken by surprise, our hands are still locked together, then I feel it. The electric feeling that seems to be passing through my veins. I untangle our hands and hold her face, kissing her back, she wraps her hands around my torso trying to pull us impossibly close.

But we pull back to catch our breath, I am panting still trying to control my breathing as I press my forehead against hers. "What was that for?" I ask, my voice sounding husky.

"In case we don't make it back..." she starts softly but it also sounds like she has another point.

"And?" my voice was back to normal.

"I always wanted to do that", she admits, her voice is low as she says this.

I raise my head up a little bit still looking at her, at her face, at her eyes. "We are going to make it out alive, you, Simon and me, all of us", I promise and she nods. "And this thing between us is definitely going to continue", I add with a smile which brought one to her face. "Come on let's see what Dr. Thompson has for us", I hold her hand as we walk to the main room where Dr. Thompson is.

On getting to the main room, Dr. Thompson is in the front of the big screen while Simon is gazing at yet another table of weapons, sizing them piece by piece.

"Don't forget the plan guys, get in there find the mutant making monster and kill him, it's that simple." Dr. Thompson states. I walk to the table of weapons and take Simon's kitanas hiding it from him.

"We understand Doc", Simon replies with a serious face.

"Finish the mission and come back alive and I repeat do not die!" he announces after us as we walk out of the association and probably to our deaths.

******** ******** ********

We are currently hiding in a building opposite the mansion as we monitor the movements around it. "How is the facial recognition coming up?" Simon asks through the earpiece that sat in each of our ears.

"We are close, but it's still processing", Dr. Thompson answers.

"Is Troy there?" I ask having given Troy our address.

"In the flesh and blood", comes Troy's answer.

"Good to hear from you dude", I have a smile on my face.

"So I'm just backup?" he asks.

"Yeah, in case if something goes wrong ", I explain.

"Since I'm part of the association now, I hope I'm not gonna be backup throughout", he comments.

I laugh, "Of course not, you'll take part in the action. Though you have to watch and learn at times before we let you in", I inform him, "Don't want you dying on us."

"I think this time covers the whole watch and learn", he cuts the connection before I can say anything else.

My gaze lands on Alexis as she looks out a window, staying far enough not to be seen. I walk up to her, "You okay?" I ask a bit worried.

"I don't think so", she sounds scared.

"Here, take this", I say handing Simon's katana over to her.

"Isn't this Simon's?" she asks surprised.

"Yeah, I took it when he wasn't looking."

A small chuckle escapes her lips, "He's so going to kill you when he finds out."

"At least it will be worth it, you are better with it than he is, so this is just our little secret."

"Yeah okay."

"Okay guys, we are moving in", Simon announces from across the room and Alexis quickly hid the katana.

We come out of the building and move to the mansion, "Good luck guys and remember do not die", Dr. Thompson repeats.

Simon opens the doors to the mansion first and we walk in, we look around and it is empty. "Facial recognition is complete", Troy's voice comes through the earpiece. Before he can go further Dr. Thompson's voice starts cracking.

"This.... isn't.... good.... it's...." the earpiece loses connection shutting him off. But I know what they wanted to say when the dark figure comes out of the shadows. I recognize the face immediately and I wish I didn't come for this mission.

The words left my lips before I could control myself,


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