Before we broke up, Again.

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We broke up three years ago
Those days become so slow
But turns to without you I glow
Until I was lit done with you tho

My life's definitely in peace
Until you sent me a phrase
Something's really not in place
But I still help you in your case

That time I was not around
But you're still lucky beyond
It seems like a duty-bound
And there I did ways I found

We're so cute when we met
Nothing's awkward in the set
Times that I won't ever regret
Bcoz those are things that I bet

I chose to be the one who stay
Thou ur havin' the worsts day
Told you to cope up and slay
Hold you to take the right way

Days goes by we'd comeback
We got a lot of good feedbacks
But not to all ppl and it sucks
Want me to give them a claque

Things not went that easy
But still I am very lucky
Because I have you hubby
And it really makes me happy

Gave you the best that I can
Became ur number one fan
Let things not in my plan
Bcoz I do love you my man

I may have so many flaws
Can't leave ppl feelings of awe
But everyday, I tried to grow
Effort that must be show

There's a lot of stormy days
But still we have more ways
Nvm for what other ppl says
What's matter is God's grace

You're my fav person above all
Gave me more reasons to fall
You never forget to chat or call
It's ur name that I want to bawl

We survive 8months that fast
I prayed that we would lasts
Honestly that's all I ever asked
Yeah I know it was such a vast

Sad but we had these changes
Dunno but it was so strange
No more ily's we exchanged
Things needed to be arrange

Sorry for being like a mint
I realized to do what I meant
Before those are what you lent
I'll be the one to do it if u can't

Thank you for being by my side
For the love, care, and guide
Hoping that it would all abide
Especially the times you smiled

Keeping all promises that I say
Whatever happens ur my bae
Im still the person you can lay
Without asking anything or pay

I know we'll get through of this
Bcoz that's what I wished
I can still hug you and kiss
I'm ur one, my only, promised.

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