Chapter 1-New student in town

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The subway car was more jam packed with people than usual today, and it didn't help that one or two upperclassmen from my school were sneakily trying to grope around my frilled skirt with their sweaty hands

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The subway car was more jam packed with people than usual today, and it didn't help that one or two upperclassmen from my school were sneakily trying to grope around my frilled skirt with their sweaty hands. Filthy bastards, it didn't help make me feel better as I felt pairs of eyes burn into my skull. It would be better to just wait for the next train, but with school on the verge of starting, I had no other choice.

" Aoyama-Itchome. This is Aoyama-Itchome." A voice droned from the speakers, the train coming to a pause. Finally, getting off this crowded train. People made their way out to where they had to go when the train doors opened. Just as I put my foot out, a man pushed me out of the way, getting out first. All sorts of books exploded out of my bag, plus my face meeting the ground with a thump. The hell? Why do adults have to be such assholes on the commute? He didn't even bat an eye at me, too busy on the phone to care.

Students who were on the same train didn't help either, most just giggling at my clumsiness or glancing. In the end I was left alone to clean up my own messes.
"Hey, you okay? You don't look particularly comfortable down there." An unfamiliar voice asked. My eyes met with a tall shujin student, with frizzy, black hair that stuck out like a bush, wide, alluring grey eyes covered by glasses, like me.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." I sighed, continuing to pick up all my books. To my surprise, he knelt down to help me recover the fallen books. Within seconds, he retrieved the rest of the books on the ground.
" I can't just leave you on your own, so here." He slid them into my once empty bag. Did someone from my school really just talk to me, let alone approach me? Come to think of it, I haven't seen him before.. His smiling eyes and broad grin brought me back to reality.

" Thanks a bunch! You just saved me lots of time!"
" No problem, no problem at all!" He brushed it aside. " I just hate it when people ignore others in ne-" he was interrupted as he already realised I had gotten up off my feet and left.
I couldn't risk getting too close to him. The guy was unrecognisable,and could've just done that to make fun of me.
Above all that, first period was upon its starting time. It's best I get there as soon as possible..

🥞 —————————————— 🥞

As class went on, it seemed like the day got slower and sluggish. Time itself seemed to be bored by Ms Kawakami's endless lectures.
While twiddling my pencil in between my fingers, A chair sat empty in front of me.
Was I so busy doing nothing I didn't notice?
" Alright class, It's time to welcome a new student who will be joining us today." Ms Kawakami announced. As soon as I looked up to see what she was talking about, the door swung open, voices from the students fell silent.

I couldn't believe who it was.
The same frizzy, black haired student from the morning entered the classroom. This guy is in the same class as me? Then again, A week ago rumors made their way around school about a transfer student. However the rumors spoke of him being a bloodthirsty delinquent with knives in his pockets. But he didn't seem like the type of stab you or hold you at gunpoint...

"This is Ren Amamiya, he will be joining this class for a year." Ms Kawakami explained. "Would you like to introduce yourself, Amamiya-kun?"
"Oh, yes. Hello, my name is Ren Amamiya. Nice to meet you." He said. His warm greeting was met with unwelcoming silence and cold, judging glares.
" Okay... anyway, your seat is, hmmm... over there, in-front of y/n-san. You probably don't have text books for the moment, so share with her." She ordered. Amamiya nodded. He paced towards his assigned seat, giving me a soft smile before sitting down.
Despite all the nasty rumors, he didn't seem so bad. Perhaps class won't be so boring after all.

After a long day of lectures and lessons, school finally came to an end.
" How come you ran away from me this morning? Did.. those rumors get to you?" He asked as we both walked towards the exit.
" Oh! It's just, I didn't recognise you and I freaked out.. I'm not used to people helping me out, let alone talk to me."
"I see. Well, glad we're getting along so far." Amamiya seemed so nice, compared to the typical shujin students here. Only question is, would he want to be acquaintances, maybe even friends? My heart thumped hard in my chest, sending shivers down my body. I had to do it, I had to ask him.

"Hey, Amamiya-kun, do you want to be fri-"
"Friends? Sure! I was actually meaning to ask you the same thing." He interjected, as if reading my mind. Taken aback by his sudden comment, I looked up at him in disbelief. He chuckled.
"What, you thought I would say no? Why should I? You seem nice so I don't see why anyone wouldn't talk to you."
I sighed, relieved that he didn't say no.
"Thanks Amamiya-kun!"
"It's cool, you can call me Ren, as long as I get to call you y/n." I nodded as he smiled at me again, making me feel warm inside. It felt nice having a friend.

Upon reaching the school entrance, we were greeted by a blond headed boy with a large grin on his face. I didn't recognise him, until he spoke.
" Yo what's bonkin? Thought I'd catch you here!" He exclaimed.
"Oh uhhh wait.. who are you again?" It took a moment to realise he was talking about me.
"That's y/n l/n, we're in the same class together. Shouldn't you know her, Ryuji? You've been here longer than me."
Ryuji. Ryuji Sakamoto! So that's the vulgar former track team member who was kicked out, huh?
He let out a long groan, scratching his head.
"We aren't in the same class so of course I wouldn't have noticed her.. but hey, now that you mention it, she's pretty cute."
A light pink blush began to form on my face upon making that comment.
"Cut that out. T-that's not true!" This only made him burst into laughter, embarrassing me further. Ren let out a quiet chuckle too.

"Okay! That's enough laughing."
Ryuji swiped away a tear before putting on a more serious face.
"Alright, alright. Me and this guy got something big to discuss anyway, don't we? He glanced at Ren. He stared blankly back before realising what Ryuji meant.
"Oh yeah, that's right! Sorry y/n, but it's a private discussion between us men. You're going to have to le-"
"Leave, right? It's fine, I've got somewhere I need to be anyway. You guys take care, alright?" Although was it really okay? I thought Ren looked worried for a moment, but his signature smile lighted up his face again.
" You take care too, see you tomorrow!"
I returned the smile, then made my way to the station.

🥞 —————————————— 🥞

The station was even more overcrowded than it usual is. The delay caused by the accident that happened this morning. When I think about it, it was like something out of a horror movie.
Several casualties and many left injured, and on top of that, mental shutdowns.
Turning psychotic and having facing the risk of certain death is an unnerving thought. I don't want to imagine something like that happening to anyone at our school, or either me..

Then suddenly, being lost in thought I bumped into a young man who had his eyes glued to his phone. The briefcase he was holding in his free hand fell to ground on impact. Thankfully, the contents inside hadn't spewed.
"Oh jeez, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! I should have paid more attention to where I was going.." I quickly apologised, kneeling down to retrieve the fallen case.
"That's quite alright. I suppose we're both at fault for not paying attention." A soft, alluring voice reassured me. I stood up to face him, our eyes meeting in the process. His gaze was just as gentle as his voice.

The sound of rushing wind from the train I was waiting for brought me back to reality again. I quickly thrusted the case in his hands realising I would miss my train if I continued to lose myself in his striking auburn eyes.
"S-sorry, but I've got to go!" I blabbed incoherently before hauling myself onto the train behind me without a thought.
As the train started moving, I noticed the boy waving and smiling at me.

"What an intriguing girl.."

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