Angels Around My Car

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Angels Around My Car

Angels sometimes have great power, but not of themselves. It is what is given to them by the Lord. They attribute all praise and admiration to God. Any of them who believe their powers come from themselves are immediately rendered too weak to resist any evil spirit (demon). They are messengers and protectors or sometimes mighty spiritual warriors casting thousands of demons into hell by their will and a look!

The scriptures are totally against us worshiping angels or any human who ever lived, with Jesus as the only exception, being all man and all God. The truth is clear, irregardless of how anointed, blessed or profoundly used by God someone was.

Many bonafide miracles have happened in my life, not because I, or anyone else, has any gifts apart from God. It is only the unmerited favor He shows when we honor Him first in our lives. It is all to His Glory! "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added onto you" (Matthew 6:33-34 KJV).

It was very late one night. We had been attending a retreat that we didn't want to end. It was close to 12:30 P.M., and I was growing tired. Yet, at the same time, I felt exhilarated. I was with my friend from Aruba. She was so proud of her beautiful island. Before the our home, crossing three cities, I asked God to dispatch His angels around my car.

We were driving on a unfamiliar 4-lane highway. It was cold weather, in Iowa, but there was no snow on the roads. The car heater wrapped us in soothing warmth, and the radio seemed to play a lullaby. For the first time ever, I fell asleep at the wheel!

When I awakened, I found myself on a two-lane highway... the correct road and lane! I had prayed that God would dispatch angels around my car. And indeed He did! God had directed my car as I slept!! I immediately began thanking Him for His love and mercy. I was amazed to realize what had just happened; I surely didn't deserve such Grace!

I've shared that experience with many people over the past thirty-some years, with one notable exception... my passenger that night . She had, peacefully, slept through it, and I never wanted her to know I'd put her life in danger by falling asleep. I have regretted that decision since then.

I thank God for his love and favor, and for His astonishing, unmerited miracles. The event is the miracle that I refer to most often in giving credit where it is due. How can it be explained without Him? The healings and deliverance and other supernatural care certainly happened as well. But people sometimes believe there was a wrong medical diagnosis or that it was a fluke, luck or chance. But Jesus gave us salvation, healing and a lot more upon the Cross! That was by design!

We don't have to beg or bargain for God to move in our behalf. He cares about every aspect of our lives. We see Him move when: "He works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28 KJV).

Angels are interesting to us, in many respects, because we think of them as all good. But Satan, and the one-third of the angels who chose to follow him, were cast out of Heaven because of their wrong choices. The same is true for us when we reject Christ.

We are actually above the angels! Satan himself was considered beautiful and powerful. But his selfish ambition and jealousy of God (his creator) got him banned. We don't know if the angels who repented remained in Heaven with those who obeyed. But we know, as human beings, we can repent, turn to God and ultimately go to Heaven.

As with my averted disaster, it proved that we don't have to wait until Heaven to have victory in this life. All of the fallen angels are now demons who roam the earth, doing Satan's will. But he was not, nor will he ever be, more powerful than God. We can be assured of that fact and reassured.

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