More Miracles

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More Miracles

As we drove through the mountains, I thought about some of the miracles I've experienced in my life, for example:

Three Tires

There was a incident when it was 5:30 AM and a V.A. van was filled to capacity with fellow veterans, traveling the 84 miles to the V.A. Hospital where we all had doctor's appointments. I rode in the front passenger's seat, happy to have it, with a brace still on my broken leg.

Traffic was light, and the van was quiet on the smooth stretch of highway. Our driver fell asleep! (I learned, when I reported it, that he was also drunk, but I couldn't tell.) Another passenger said he had to awaken the same driver on a previous ride, but didn't report it!

Many of us, including myself, were sleeping as well, given the hour. But I truly believe God woke me at just the right moment. The van had three tires off of the pavement, and was angled, heading for a ditch! I took the steering wheel and got us back on the road. Only God could have kept me that calm. I had to gently wake the driver, who was still clinging to the bottom edge of the steering wheel. I was concerned that he might jolt awake and over-react.

We arrived at our destination safely, grateful to be alive!

My Mother's Hand

Another miracle was when I was staying with my mother. She had broken her left hand in two places. She was left-handed, so she had been struggling to write, iron, dress and cook.

She empathized with her mother, who had the same challenge at age 19, when she contracted polio and was rendered half-paralyzed. It was worse for grandma, because it was permanent! I use to massage her effected hand, thinking I was helping. She would tell me it felt better; I know, now, she felt nothing. She eventually walked again, but with a noticeable limp


Yet another example was that I was healed from Manic-Depression, referred to as Bi-Polar Disease. It effected me for over five months, suddenly starting and stopping! Those months were mostly spent in a mental institutions (not at all like you might have heard).

Yes, I had Manic-Depression, hearing disturbing voices, day and night, threatening to kill me. It was demonic voices and at first they included a "false Jesus"! When my brother came to visit, I was feeling so frightened and intimidated that I practically flew into his arms. We knew whatever it was (demons or otherwise) that it was not from God !

Because I thought he was the real Jesus, I wanted to please him. He told me things like: "You will be shot, martyred at a speaking engagement in front of a large crowd"! I was afraid and yet willing.

I became obsessed with digital clocks, thinking that certain numbers had significant meanings (ex: 1111 or 1117). At night, instead of dreaming, I would visualize shapes and symbols, as though my brain's wiring was trying to reprogram. I would keep asking the false Jesus to remind me what the numbers meant. I wrestled with the idea of his identity sometimes, knowing deep-down that things were not right!

The doctors administered eleven electroshock treatments. I had heard horror stories about such treatments, only some of which were true. However, I did have one very temporary after-effect, the inability to button my blouse alone. "A small price to pay", I thought. The treatments eliminated the voices and symbols I was tormented by; no small task to be sure! I was grateful.

After being released from the mental hospital, I went to visit my mother, hoping her condition had changed. She had dementia and was hospitalized, not knowing any of us. The nurses said I was becoming obnoxious during my frequent calls to their desk (I didn't remember making any calls), but I gradually became disruptive and the police were called. It appeared that they must have sent the entire force; police officers were all over the reception area, just for me!

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