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"We're just friends" these were the words that brought me trouble when my parents asked my relationship with Kim Sunggyu, the only person who's always by my side.

Sunggyu and I 1st met when we're both 5, at the Christmas Party held by our family in the Philippines, his family stayed only for the Christmas break so we only played for a short period of time. After 7 years we met again at middle school, his father got a 3-year work contract in the Philippines, the reason why we became classmates for 3 years but not friends. He's always surrounded by everyone because he's a warm person, the complete opposite of me whom people called as the 'Ice Princess'.

My entire family moved in to Seoul, South Korea to fulfill my grandmother's wish, being a royalty where we get the media attention is no joke, aside from the fact that I'm the eldest granddaughter of a billionaire. I already have a cold vibe the reason why everyone so distant to me and to add up my social status, I accepted the fact that I'll be forever alone until I met 'Loser Gyu' again.

He's the 1st person who approached me when everyone else tried their best to avoid me, because of him I never felt alone in my high school years. Since we've been always together for 2 years specially, I became the school student president and he's my vice, my parents misunderstood our relationship and when they asked us about when do we plan to get engaged, the answer I gave them became my problem.

I wouldn't have agreed to the matchmaking dates that I have to go through to earn money but I'm desperate so what can I do? My parents won't give me any allowance to spend so I'm basically broke even if I'm riding in a limousine, living in a mansion, having a luxurious life but my purse is empty and I can't even afford to buy a drink or snack on my own. Thought that I could make it through but relying too much to Sunggyu made me feel like a loser so I signed up after 9 months of struggling and resisting to my parents.

I had my 1st date on 1st of December 1966, 149th day after grandmother's death and 11 days before my 18th birthday, my parents expected that it'll be a success on 1st try but that Yonsei University student was more interested with my cousin Iap who's attending the same university as him, well at least we had something to talked about the whole day even if it's kind of uncomfortable sharing my cousin's life with a stranger.

My 2nd date happened on 1st of July 1967, almost the end of my 1st semester in 1st year as Seoul National University student, I took up landscape architecture as my program. My parents thought that I'll be spending my semester break with the guy from Pohang University but it didn't work out because all we talked about was science and technology, he's giving me too much information to things I'm not interested.

3rd date, New Year's Eve of the same year, my parents hoped that the guy from Korea University might be the one for me but he trembled while watching fireworks so instead of having fun I only got worried about him the whole time though I don't blame him for having a phobia but I prefer someone who I can spend New Year's Eve happily.

4th and 5th dates, the guys were also from prestigious universities but still not good enough for me, until someone proposed to me to be his lady on my 20th birthday. I didn't know how to answer him that time because it's to sudden, he just confessed that he like me since we're in middle school but he didn't know how to express himself and he's not contented of us just being friends so he's crossing the line beyond our friendship.

Kim Sunggyu, he's my 6th date on New Year's Eve of 1968, since I also want to know if we can be more than friends, I asked him to kiss me to set things straight between us. I gave my first kiss to him and I had a clear answer that I like him but I don't see us being lovers so I rejected him that night to end my uneasiness about our relationship.

After that night we haven't talked to each other for 3 months, even if we're attending the same university when we accidentally see each other we just passed by like we're strangers. I thought that I lost him for good and I couldn't bring myself to approach him first because of what I did but what can I do if I don't feel the same way as he is.

My 7th date happened on 1st of April 1969, he was a senior student from another prestigious university, he's kind and handsome but his femininity overlapped his masculinity, he's just too cute for a man that I felt like I had a kiddie date with him, though it was fun I rejected him at the end of the day. When I arrived at home, Kim Sunggyu was waiting for me with a bouquet of flowers while standing at the front gate of our house.

"April fools hasn't ended yet, so here I am a fool waiting for you to come back, I guess I'm really 'Loser Gyu' when it comes to you" said Sunggyu

"You!" Leto ran towards Sunggyu and hugs him "You don't know how much I miss you" crying "I thought you'll never talk to me ever again, I thought I lost my one and only friend, I'm sorry if I can't love you back and it's too selfish of me to still keep you by my side but I don't want to lose you"

"I apologized for leaving you but I'm here now" Sunggyu hugging Leto back "I decided not to give up on you, not being by your side for those 3 months feels like hell for me and I don't want to go for another day without you so even if you told me to stay away I just stay by your side"

"You promise?" Leto pushing Sunggyu slightly away "Don't you ever give me a cold shoulder again whenever we meet, we're friends and not strangers"

"Friend, lover, I don't care anymore, as long as I can stay by your side, I can be whoever you want me to be" Sunggyu wiping Leto's tears "Now stop crying, it's very unlikely for the 'Ice Princess' to cry, won't you invite me to get in and talk about what happened to you today?" smiling

We remain friends in the succeeding years, and I still go on with the matchmaking dates arranged by my parents, I want to know what love is ...

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