Epilogue (Zeus's POV)

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My father is an Australian businessman who decided to live in Korea and make his own name in the industry, after a decade he's CEO Suez Latona, the owner of Jong Dae Group, the largest supplier of electricity in Korea. As for my mother and I don't know who she is or her whereabouts.

On my 17th birthday, father gave me an information about my mother and she just moved in to Korea a month ago with her new family. I thought I was abandoned after mother gave birth to me but it was my father who took me away from her. It was a one-night stand, they barely knew each other that time but it was favorable to my father as he was being pressured for having a successor by his parents.

My mother, Grace Ann Kim a Korean who was born in America, had an early marriage with Mr. Hudson, she was 16 when she bore a child, named Jennifer Kate Hudson. Got divorced at the age of 23, leaving her child on the father's custody and migrated to Australia. After 2 years, she married Mr. Kelly and bore a child named Amethyst Amelia Kelly. Not even in 2 years, filed her 2nd divorce and just like the 1st, left her child under the father's care.

Father thought that mother is no good after checking her background information, so when he found out that she's carrying his child, he made an agreement with mother. That time mother's already in a relationship with Jeffery David Harry Sierota and they both love each other. Father bought me and paid mother a lump sum of money with a condition of not seeing me for a lifetime.

After 9 days of my birthday, father died from cancer. I went to my mother on my father's burial and invited her to see him one last time but she told me that she got nothing to do with my father and me, and she wanted to live quietly with her new family. With her piercing words that shattered my longing for a mother, I'm about to leave but a young man who seem to be same age approached me and tagged along.

He's Jamie Jeffery David Harry Sierota, the oldest among his 3 siblings, Noah and Graham also got their father's full name on theirs, as for Sydney, she got mother's name after her 1st name, Sydney Grace Ann. Having their parents name on them there's no doubt that they were deeply love and care for. Jamie was the only person who consoled me during those dark times, there's a link between us that it was like we've been together and know each other for a long time.

Later we both found out that we're twins, it's hard to believe at 1st because I was born on 12th of February and he's on 8th of April on the same year of 1955. We have the same mother with different fathers and we're twins with almost 2 months gap. "Women body is truly a wonderland", those were the words that Jamie and I said at the same time when we found out about our bond, then we both just laughed it out loud.

Since mother denied my existence, and I'm still a minor when my father died, Matteo Kim, next to my father's position in the company took me on custody, thus made him my guardian who got me under control. But the thing is, I was trained to take over my father's position since I'm a child and the board of directors knew me well, so even if I'm only a senior high school student I became the new CEO of Jong Dae Group.

Matteo Kim got furious about the decision and to get back at me he replaced all my staff at the mansion with his own men. Those men only duty is to watch my every move and report it to him. Never once I submitted to his control completely, I've been cautious with my actions and always thinking about the next step I should take, but he outsmarted me once when he gave me the project that even my father couldn't deal with.

It just so happens at that moment I've got a perfect piece to turn the lady luck on my side. I met Leto Nevaeh by chance when she got rejected by a handsome guy, I was playing a prank to loosen up my stress and I just found her to be a target so I comforted her. The 2nd time we met, she's the landscape architect who's taking the corporate park project, since then I became interested to her.

For the 2nd time around, I caught her again getting rejected by one of my classmates, I felt sorry for her so I comforted her by telling my family secret. I was in the zoo with my half siblings when I saw her so I introduced her to them, though I've told her the truth about them I made it a prank to make fun of her. I didn't know why I opened up to her all of a sudden but I don't want her to involved with my family issues.

17th of September 1972, I was surprised when I met Leto at classroom during my Sunday lessons, she's with the son of the school director. When I figured out what's happening, I thought that she'll be rejected again since I knew that my classmate was just following orders from her mother and he'll do the right thing in the end. I'm about to leave the school grounds when I got the invitation from the Japanese investors, I've failed on my 1st attempt to deal with them but that was an opportunity to redeem myself, since I'm desperate to get their approval, I used a trump card.

I used Leto Nevaeh to successfully seal the agreement, but using the name Nevaeh wasn't easy to get away with. She demanded to know everything so I told her all she wanted to know, after listening she told me that she'll take responsibility from there on. Since that day, she acted like my noona who always taking good care of me and she even gave me a hyungnim, Kim Sunggyu, who's also employed at my company as electrical engineer.

I've been with them for a few months but the time I've spent with them feels like a long time. I already knew that hyungnim loves noona and he's been waiting for her for years but I also fall for noona without realizing it. I even went on a double date with the twin sister of her 27th date just to make her matchmaking possible, but at the end of the day, she was rejected and I got annoyed for spending time with another instead of her.

After a month of realization, I've got sure of my feelings for her, it's not just an admiration of a dongsaeng to a noona, but I like her as a woman. On Leto's 24th birthday, I'm about to say my leave to her but I found her sleeping on the bed, she's too beautiful that I can't held myself back so I kissed her on the lips and take my leave. Fortunately, she also like me as a man, and she gave me so much more that I could ever ask, now I'm happily married to her, living in the Nevaeh residence with my in-laws and our twins, Artemis and Apollo.

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