Chapter 9: Lay Low

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Author;I've been  neglecting this book but I'm going to do better. Ignore errors if they are any. Thanks

     Three months has gone by and we're still off the radar. Frankie stillllll in a coma. Shayna big soft wanna be gangsta ass still getting on our nerves. Oh yea this is Key talking if anyone was wondering. After everything that popped off three months ago we vowed to stick together. We got enemies we thought didn't exist!! I found a nice house just not to far from our city. I had Niya from Gary when I was fourteen years old an he was sixteen. My mama put me out. My daddy kept telling his wife that I was young an made an mistake but that's another store for another day.

 My daddy kept telling his wife that I was young an made an mistake but that's another store for another day

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     With all the bullshit that was going on,we had to move Frankie in. The same night shit got popped off is the same night someone snuck into her hospital room an put something in her IV! The shoot out was an distraction but luckily God saved my girl once again. We get to see her more an majority of the time we all sleeps in her room except Shayna an its odd to me but I guess she can't bare to see her sister like that. Sophie thinks something flake going on because we  pay for the doctor an nurse to come by an YESS we had to get a new nurse an doctor. Sophie think we don't know she killed they ass. We don't know who told motherfuckers where our girl were so they had to go.  Someone in that hospital was in on it.

"Mommy,I'm hungry." Niya said.

"What you want,boo?"

"Umm ,umm,what she like again" Niya said walking back and forth.

"Who is she?"

"Auntie Frankie,she was in my dream. Mommy when will she wake up and why everyone still at our house. Do they stay here too?"

"You asking alotof questions. Your aunties here until Frankie wakes up from her nap."

"Morning Key, morning auntie baby." Shayna said. Niya ran behind me an started crying. "What's wrong?"

"Mommy get her away from me. She a crazy bird."

"WHAT?" We both said.

I picked up my daughter. "Ni,thats not nice. Say sorry."

"No Kiyosha it's okay. She's just having a bad day."

Shay gave Niya a weird look and walked off. "Niya, why would you say that. You hurt auntie feelings."

"Mommy is Shay the reason why Auntie Fran not waking up. I want her to leave." Niya squirmed out my arm. I don't know what's going on with my child. She didn't even call Shay "Auntie" and that wasn't like her. I kneeled down to her an gave her a big hug.

"No she's not the reason."

"but mommy"

"Niya,hush,come on let's go make breakfast."


"That little BITCH!!" I thought to myself. I will be a fool to say it out loud. I look myself in the mirror. "Breath, act normal and no one suspects anything."

"Suspect ,WHAT?!" Sophie said leaning in the door way

"Nothing, just that I'm nothing like my sister. Yes, I'm the oldest but she's prettier an smarter than me. She supposed to look up to me but she didn't. I use to wish she wasn't born. It was always why I couldn't be more like her. People acted like they wanted to be my friend just to get close to her an you are right. Y'all closer than me an her ever will and she loves y'all more."

"Do y'all brothers an sisters feel like that too?" Sophie said to me with an sincere look.

"No, she's their favorite." I think for like an hour or two Sophie listened to me an my feelings. We've been in this house for three months and this the first time in these three months we actually held an conversation. I gave her my version of my, I mean our childhood. I was a daddy's girl. He loved all his kids but my mama loved everyone but me. I hate my mama for letting my daddy leave. If he would've never left ,he would've never gotten killed in a alley. He was leaving a poker game one night an won a lot of money. Someone killed him, shot him six times in the chest because he wouldn't give up his money. My daddy died with the money in his pockets an one of his hands over it. He never backed down from anyone.

My sister remind me of daddy sometimes. Big hearted an a leader. Our mama is black an white. Our daddy was Asian an not your average Asian either. He was 6'4 , medium built and jet black hair. Everyone knew Big Vick, Victor Han Lee. My father moved here when he was Frankie age. He had no where to go so he hustled. Never finished school. I don't know how he pulled mama. She was stuck up because of the type of family she came from. BIG MONEY! We miss you big Vick we miss you.


With us laying low for the moment. I had to let my girl go. Very few knows I have a bitch and I didn't want to put her in harms way. I'll come back for her when I'm ready. I never had a boyfriend before. I always knew I was different. I love pussy from good girls though and not the ratchet wild project hoes.

" Shay ain't all that bad but I'll still keep a eye on her. " I said eating my bacon. Key was a beast in the kitchen.

"Bitch, you been watching her. Tuh, I should've known. So where is she now. You probably killed her." Bella said smirking.

"REALLY, Niyah go to your room." Key said. "I can't believe y'all talking about this in front of my daughter"

"But mommy she's a crazy bird"

Me and Bella started laughing. "Yes niece go to your room. You don't need to hear grown folks talking." I laughed even more.

Niyah but her hands on her hips. "But y'all tweens. Y'all not grown."

"Little girls is teens. Don't make mommy get the belt." Key said guiding her two year old out the kitchen.

"I think we should get more cameras" I said

"Bitch this my house. I think df NOT and how long we have to lay low."

"Yea how long? I'm a bitch but I ain't one. You feel me"

I side eyed Key and Bell. " we have YET to find out who df this grim reaper is. Y'all forgot 🤔 huh!!"

"Sitting in the house ain't helping us find out who he is now are we."

Bella was right. I couldn't even say shit. I just started digging in my breakfast. "DAMN, I ALMOST FORGOT." I yelled with food in my mouth. "Hold up,food." I pointed at my mouth. "Y'all ever notice how Shayna be leaving all times of night." I whispered.

"WHAT?!" The girls said

"Mhm, like I said we need more cameras. I followed her one night and she was meeting up with someone."

"Damn who"

"I don't know, I couldn't see their faces"

"Why she keeping shit like that from us?" Key said with a stank face.

"Sad case if we have to kill her."

Y'all Bella is the baby out the group but she's crazy!!! When we were seven years old and she was five going on six (lol) she set a girl dress on fire because her and the girl had the same dress on. She laughed while she were doing it. So Bella saying lets kill doesn't suprise me at all. Killing is her coffee in the morning. "B, CHILL"

"You right that is Fran big sister."

"Come on y'all let's go up to her room."


   I wonder if Frankie gonna wake up. I happy when she do. I think that's why we laying low. We never lay low before. All we do is go to school and come home. I'm the baby of the group but have the most tats and the lightest. I don't know what I love the most, killing or drawing.  I'm about to burn one so gtfo y'all.

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