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Isk stopped and panted. "Hang on... I'm tired." He said with a stutter.

The other three stopped. Chron pulled a water bottle from his backpack. "Here you go.", he says while handing it to Isk's trembling tired hands.

"T-thanks.", he pants while gulping down the water. "Ooh. My throat feels dry."

Chron hadn't noticed and was scanning his surroundings. PM was fighting off a spider. G frowned and smacked Isk's forehead with the back of his hand.

"Ow!", Isk complained.

"Oops! Sorry!", G laughed, and frowned again. "Your forehead's hot. I think you have a fever."

"Uhm, guys! I found an excellent place to stop!", Chron waved at them from the top of the hill. Meanwhile, PM catches up with Chron, but is caught off guard as a spider tackles him, and they roll down the hill.

"Great! Isk needs to stop to rest and recover for a bit!", G calls.

"Recover? Alright, I guess we can go back." Chron says confused, and turns back around, opening up a portal with no setbacks except for a summoning of a husk that instantly went for PM.

Chron then walked into the small vortex, disappeared for a while before popping back, unaware of G fussing over Isk. "Back to the Poultry Cave, I guess."

"C'mon! I'm fine!", Isk complained.

"You have a fever. You will come back."

"It's just a fever!"

"Fever?", Chron mindlessly asked, watching PM fend off the spiders and husk worriedly. "Did you know it's possible to die from it?"

"See? I told you, Isk!"

PM then broke a run for it from the Furies of a trio of hostile mobs and ran into the portal.

Chron watched PM bolt into the vortex. "Well, he's eggcited.", he smirked.

Nobody joined in the joking, mostly because Isk was drinking water, G was furiously trying to convince Isk that it was for the best, and hovered around him like a hummingbird- figuratively, since nobody gave him coffee. Well- there was that one time Chron accidentally did- then G was like a human hummingbird and making chainsaw noises.

Isk then soon gave up and also dashed into the portal, getting chased by G, who was holding a heat pack rather than an ice one. Chron then watched them with a confused look before walking in.

"No, Isk! You better rest- geez!", G scolded Isk as they unpacked.

"Honestly, I'm fine!"

PM checked in on them. "Eh? What's wrong?"

"Isk has a fever, and I'm trying to convince him to rest!"

PM turned to Isk. "If you're sick, I personally agree with G that you should rest."

"Seriously! Why are you fussing over me?"

PM took a breath to launch into the dangers of sickness, only for an explosion to occur outside. "Eh?! Is there another creeper?"

He slammed the door as he rushed outside, his sword in his right hand.

"You're ill Isk! You need to rest so that you can get better!"


"No buts, you're going to bed early."

"But I haven't eaten!"

"Then I'll get Chron to make you a sandwich. But you're still going to bed."

Isk huffed before coughing and drinking more water. "Fine..."

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