The Fight

23 2 9

(Very heated, lots of yelling and a bit of cursing and a lot of mean stuff said qwq shhhh- I like alternate endings-
Angsty- especially in the next two chapters :3)

"Tell me again, why are you so angry?! I'm only speaking my mind!" Truth was, G wasn't. He was just so heated that he wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.

"I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE ANGRY!" PM did right..? Gman did just doubt his ability to care for Sally. And gave her wings! Without even asking him, what kind of imbecile does that!?

"Maybe you do! Who cares?!"

"Gman, maybe you should leave." PM kept his tone level, calloused, and cold.

G felt a shiver run up his spine, he didn't let it show. But it did genuinely scare him hearing his friend- ... no, ex-friend, speak to him like that. It just felt so wrong.

"You know what? Fine! Just stay out of my life!" He didn't mean that did he..? Why did he say that?

"Alright 'Mr. I know everything!'" PM spat with seemingly pure malice, "All you do is whine anyways."

G seemed to be taken aback before spitting a spiteful retort, "Can you just fuck off already?!"

"Yeah, why don't you?" PM was surprised, he had never heard Gman cuss. He didn't let it show of course, but it still was odd.

"Shut up."

"You should try it."

G practically growled before lunging at Poultry Man punching him haphazardly landing a hit on his shoulder, "Sometimes I wonder, how do people even stand you?!"

PM pushed Gman away causing him to land on the ground. "What the Hels is wrong with you?"

"A lot of things, you haven't noticed?" G grumbled under his breath, he was trying his best to keep his temper in check. He didn't want that to happen again...

"Clearly I haven't, I wish I had realized sooner too. So I could've never become friends with you."

G was hurt, those words stung. Although... he wasn't going to let him have the upper hand, "Oh, so is that how you really felt all of this time?! Thinking so little of me that you were my friend out of pity? Well guess what, I don't need your pity! I don't want pity from someone as useless and pathetic as you!" He realized exactly what he had just called PM just a few seconds late, he tried to speak again but was almost instantly cut off, "I-"

"Save it. I don't want your apology, I think we both said things we didn't mean, but it's too late to it now. But if that's how you truly feel... Why don't you just leave? Better yet! Leave Hermittpad if you hate me so much! It would be better anyways, what if you act out in this way towards everyone else? What if you're just a bully?"

No, no he wasn't a bully. He never would be, not again. G shook his head clearing his storm of thoughts, only temporarily. He had to wait. He looked PM in the eyes. Well, eyes to mask. He couldn't sense PM's emotions, his own were too strong, not necessarily anger. Sadness, regret, fear, anxiety, everything. It was all there. He assumed the same for PM but he couldn't tell.

"I- I guess I'll be taking my leave now." Damnit, he stuttered. Hopefully it wasn't too noticeable.

PM nodded in return, "That would be best, get out of my sight."

G simply teleported away, leaving the familiar cloud of purple smoke. PM, expression unreadable, walked back to where he was heading slowly, mulling over his own thoughts.

(This hurt to write, after the next two chapters I owe y'all fluff. Okay?)


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