Amulet Making

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(Note: I suck at chapter titles.)

Once more he was up late at night. This time working on a gift, or two.

Hands shaking, and leaning over his desk, G was carefully carving runes into a small silver amulet, it held a swirling yellow stone that seemed to, no- reflected the stars. Although he was indoors.

He didn't know what time it was, but he knew it was late. Everyone else had probably fallen asleep hours ago. He was drenched in sweat and exhausted; it doesn't help that it's always unusually hot in his home, and that fact that he doesn't use the air conditioning. The strange thing is, his room is freezing. He typically avoids his room, it's too cold.

The first amulet was nearly done, just a few more details left, then he could move onto the other gift.

Just a few more tweaks... and... there!

The amulet was finally complete, the beautiful yellow stone, paired with the shiny silver body and chain. It truly looked amazing.

But, he had more work to do. Off to the side laid another silver body and chain was without stone And runes. He picked it up and looked at it carefully; he wanted this one to be perfect. It had to be perfect. He didn't have a choice, it wouldn't be a suitable gift if he didn't put all of his heart into it.

This one would allow the user to travel between two places quickly, even some of the furthest distances. Only if they are of no threat to said place. Good intent, he had to give the user limitations.

It will also allow the user to teleport to someone they're close to if needed. They can even tell if a friend is in danger. It's a powerful and possibly dangerous charm. But, as long as he didn't give away its more dangerous uses everything would be fine.

He decided green would be the best color. He stood up, regretting it immediately, as he fell over.

"Ow- "

Both of his legs had fallen asleep, how long had he been sitting there..? G sat up, luckily he wasn't hurt. Well, falling hurt, but he didn't have any injuries.

This time he stood up slow and carefully. rocking unsteadily, he walked- er wobbled over to a small drawer, filled with many beautiful green stones.

He looked at each carefully, finally taking out a large green gem along with several smaller ones.

This has to be perfect... No messing around G.

It must have taken hours to make this one, along with several do-overs. One might say that it was excessive on how perfect he wanted it to be. But to him, it was important for it to be this perfect.

He was surprised that he hadn't gotten distracted, usually he would've started messing around and experimenting with his robot friend. But yet he hadn't. He guessed he was that determined, but he seemed to have another idea.

He used a small amount of magic to melt the area around the gem that was being held in the amulet's metal. He picked up one of his fallen feathers and pressed it into the metal, so you could still see the feathers soft orange color, he was happy. G yawned, he was falling asleep, and he knew it. But he had to do one more thing...

On the back of the amulet, he carved one word...


Before passing out into a deep slumber.

(This has been in the works for WaY too long TwT)

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