Chapter 1

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Jessica POV

"Give it back!" I yell.

"NO WAY!" My brother Danny retorts.

"I'll tell mom!!!" I scream.

He tugs at the iPad, and I nearly loose it. I quickly tug back; it flies out of
Danny's hands. The lack of tension sends me reeling backwards.
Thud! The back of my head makes contact with something solid.

"Ow!" I exclaim.

I turn around slowly and gape at the blue box standing ominously before me. How did I now notice this before?

Suddenly the door swings open. I run and hide behind the couch. From where I sit I have a clear view of this mysterious object.

"What is that?" my brother whispers. I didn't even realize that he had snuck behind the couch as well. I turn to him and put my finger over my lips in an attempt to shush him.

A man walks out of the police box and looks around. He wears a red cap that resembles something worn by Aboo in Aladdin.

"Amy? Rory? Helloooooo? All these years, and I don't even get a proper welcome!" The man exclaims excitedly while flapping his arms about. He skips over to our decorative fireplace. He picks up a picture of my family, and his face is overcome with a wave of disappointment. I wonder who Amy and Rory are and how he knows them. It seems as though he likes them a lot.

"W-What are you doing here?!" Danny says as he jumps up from behind the couch. Great! Now my stupid brother is probably going to get us both killed by this psycho hiding in a freaking police box!

The man spins around to look at Danny, and I realize that the man is wearing a red bow tie, which is very snazzy, if I do say so myself.

"I-I want to know w-who you are and w-what you w-want w-with us, and w-while you're at it you might as well t-tell us what you were d-doing inside t-that blue box!" Danny stutters while trying to muster a bit of confidence.

"She's called a TARDIS," the man corrects.

"I don't care what that thing is called. I want to know who you are and what you're doing here," I say as I rise from behind the couch and take a step toward the man.

The mysterious man walks over to our rocking chair and sits down.

"But first, Danny, go to your room. This is a conversation for adults," I say even though I'm 17, which only makes me three years older than my little brother.

"Sure thing," Danny says as he scurries off towards his room.

I hope he knows that I actually don't want him to go to his room. I want him to call Mom and Dad, or, better yet, the police.

"Okay, so who are you and why are you here?" I question. I may look calm on the outside, but on the inside I'm absolutely terrified. I know absolutely nothing about this man who just randomly appeared in my house, but, instead of hiding, I have chose to confront him due to my impending curiosity.

"Ah, I am known as many things," he says, "a mad man in a box, a warrior, a hero, a villain, raggedy man, 'get off this planet'" he pauses and smirks, "but most of the time people refer to me as 'The Doctor'," he grins, "I came here to visit some old friends of mine, but I accidentally traveled to the wrong time period."

Alright, this guy is definitely insane. He is no 'Doctor', he needs a doctor. The police better get here soon.

"Okaaaaay then, Mr. 'Doctor', glad we got that settled, will you be on your way now?" I say calmly and quickly as I stand up.

"Yes, yes, of course..." he says quickly, rising from the couch, "You know, I never caught your name."


"Jessica...Jess...Jessie...." he mumbles, "You know, I've always liked the name Jessica. It has a nice ring to it."

He walks into the TARDIS and closes the door behind him. Seconds later, he pops his head out again.

"How'd you like to go on an adventure, Jessica?"

"What? Where?" I ask.

"Anywhere you want."

"Come again?"

"Let me show you."

The Doctor grabs my hand and pulls me through the TARDIS doors even though the sign on the door clearly says 'pull to open'. Idiot.

"Welcome to my spaceship," he says.

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