Chapter 6-lol wut

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Eleanor's POV

Rachel followed me, and I followed Zack. Just 5 feet away.

Rachel seemed hesitant to say something, "Zack, do you know this building well?" Zack and I turned to face her.

"Huh?" I lost count of all the 'huh's. "I don't know much about the details. I only came here because they said I could kill whoever I wanted. It's probably the same for the people on the other floors." He concluded and walked off while I slowly trudged, hoping for Rachel to catch up with me. I'm so bored...

I leaned over to Rachel, "Psst, can I try braiding your hair?" she smiled.

"Sure, I guess." My eyes lit up, and it looked like she was trying not to giggle. We chatted as I messily braided her hair, messing up every once in a while.

Zack stopped, and Rach and I looked up from our rock-paper-scissors game. Wow, that hallway was slightly shorter than I imagined! "What the hell is this?" He asked, towering over gravestones (like the god he is) (help Grammarly don like strikethrough)

"Graves..." Rachel replied grave-ly and looked down. The dull look in her eyes came back, and I tilted my head at her. She tilted her head back up again and I gave her a small smile. Girl you NEED to stop being a depressed little shit; once we get out of here imma get you some tater tots!

"A cemetery? Neat." I commented sarcastically. Never a good sign, especially in horror. Then again, this was gonna happen...unless the empty floor shows up. Wait, the floors shouldn't be empty...

Zack walked forward with his eyes closed. I whispered to Rachel, "He's gonna run into a grave with his eyes closed." He walked over a freshly dug grave and his foot fell in. "Nevermind." I slouched over and walked to another gravestone. Would my name be on one at the beginning? No, there would be a hole, right?

"What the hell?" Rachel and I stared at a struggling Zack, both amused and 'this guy's a moron'. "It's filthy, and it's clinging to my feet...ugh, it's like, sticky!" 1) Lenny face, 2)I don't give a shit, unlike the major fangirls. (shut up Eleanor)

"What the hell are you looking at?" he asked a half-dead Rachel and a stupid Eleanor. I shrugged and Rachel stared at the grave. "You wanna be in a grave that bad?"

I hugged Rachel, "No, you do not, stop being a depressed little shit. When we get out of here, I'm getting you icecream and tater tots." Eleanor used confusion! Rachel and Zack are confused!

"Tch, let's get going," Zack said, walking away. I gave Rachel another sad smile and patted her head. Oh, did I mention, her hair is suuuper soft! "Yo, let's go!" Zack yelled, and I pretty much teleported a few feet behind him.

Rach and I followed Zack, the blonde glancing at the grave one more time. We walked into the next room. "You read it," Zack said. Aww, bby can't read? Ha, I forgot if I remembered this part or not.

I walked up to it, wanting to help out, "The welcomed by the holy land. The chosen by thee Lord, the good men, the beloved by the angels, the special ones, leave yourselves...magnificent glory...the Lord..." I started skimming the text on the stone, hating it already. "To traitors, here will be prison forever."

"I don't get it." Zack looked at Rachel and me for an explanation. I shrugged, not caring about it. "What's the point of putting graves here?" Rachel walked off, "Hey, don't go off on your own." I followed Rachel, who was already at a large gravestone.

"Hey, what'cha doin'?" I asked. This was her grave, right?

"What now?" I noticed Zack had also followed. "You want to get in that grave?" I gave him my 'really?' face and sighed.

Rachel glanced at me, "This one looks new compared to the others." She chose her words carefully as if she didn't want to hear me ramble about her depressed self.

"Yeah, so what?" Zack asked.

I looked to the grave. Yep, it was Rachel's. I clenched my fists, mad at Eddie. But he's still cute-

"It's got a name on it...Rachel Gardner..." Rachel concluded. I decided to let the story go on its path, trying not to intervene with it much. "And that unfinished grave..."

"Is it the other chick's?" I stifled a giggle, looking on the opposite side of Rachel's grave. There was a normal one, but it was also new. Huh, how did Rachel miss mine?

"Nnnnope, this one's got 'Eleanor Scott' on it." I grinned and stupidly kicked mine. "Fuck..." I winced, it felt like I had stubbed all of my toes!

"Tch, is this here so that I can die at any time?" It took my brain a quick second to understand what he said. Damn grave! Zack held out his scythe, "This really pisses me off. I'll crush it!"

Rachel spoke up, "You'll break your scythe."

"Shut up! I know that!" Clearly, you didn't. I sat on my grave boredly, and Rachel looked back to me and then her gravestone. "Hey, don't stand there staring at it forever!" Zack said.

Rachel looked to me, shaking her head when my eyes lit up. "I'm not, I'm sitting." Rachel sighed. "What?" I asked and poked her shoulder.

A scythe went around our necks, the both of us a little bit terrified that Zack would chop our heads off. No wait, we're helping him escape. He might lose his temper...but he's screwed if we're dead!

"I don't intend to die with you. As soon as we find the exit, I'm gonna- huh?" Zack was cut off when Rachel hesitantly pointed forward.

"Um...There's a draft coming from there," she said, not making eye contact.

"Lol cool. Puns~!"



also, what should Eleanor's nickname be? Ella? Emma? Ellie? or any others you might have, also I might make a KnY reader insert + reader's sister, maybe? more chill meme freaks than Eleanor, but nobody can get on her level of insane unless they're depressed about it or if they're a fricking god



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