Chapter fifteen *Past*

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"You're fat," Martin say to Sarah where she stood in her bedroom. She look down then back at him. She already lost so much weight. "Atleast not worse than tomorrow."
She walk out of the room to the girls' room. She open the door getting their attention. Riley is playing barbie with her little sister.
"Mommy, Iley is telling me a story!" she giggle like the silly little girl she is.
"What's the story about?" Sarah ask and take a seat on the floor with them.
"Cinderella," Riley laugh.
"Cool, can I be the evil stepmother?" I ask with a giggle. Rachel scream out of excitement and give me a doll.
"Okay," Riley giggle letting her doll go into a conversation. "I want to go to the ball too."
"You may not," Sarah say trying to speak in a royal accent. "For only princesses and pretty women may go. Not scullery maids."
"No," Riley pretend to cry for the doll.
By the end of the story, Rachel was already asleep. Sarah pick her up and put her in her little bed.
"Mommy, how long will this carry on?" Riley ask softly and also got in bed. Sarah go to her and take a seat giving her an odd look.
"What?" Sarah ask touching her cheek softly.
"The secrets. Rachel deserve to know daddy. He deserve to know about her," Riley reply sadly. "And Martin."
"Yeah I'm also getting tired of the secrets," Sarah agree and give a little smile. "Martin has nowhere else to go."
Riley nod her head. Sarah kiss her front head and watch her get deeper in bed. She shut off the light and go down to the kitchen. Her attention got drawn by Martin's laptop that stood there. She look around then went to it opening it. It's not even locked. She go to his search history. Her eyes stretch wide open. She turn pale by just looking at the screen.
"Riley," Sarah woke her. Riley sit up straight and look at her mother. "Sweetheart, I want you to be honest now. Did Martin touch you?"
"No mommy," she reply looking at her two brothers that came in. "What's going on?"
"Do you know if he touched Rachel?" she ask and take her phone out giving it to Archie. He give it an odd look feeling a bit worried.
"No," she shake her head looking scared. Sarah go to the door and take the key out.
"Archie, I need you to call the police urgently. Lock yourselves in here and don't open for anyone but me," Sarah say giving them a serious look. "I'm serious."
They nod. She goes out and close the door listening to make sure they lock the door. Archie immediately call the police.
Sarah go into the bedroom and put on the light filled with anger.
"Wake up!" she shout at Martin. He sit up straight giving her an angry look. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Did you touch one of my girls?"
"Shut up," he say and stood up. "You're annoying."
"Did you?" she scream at him.
"I want you out of the house!" she shout at him. He give her an even angrier look. "Now! Out!"
"Don't you dare talk to me like that," he approach her and grab her arm.
"What's wrong with you?" she cry out and slam him chest to get him away from her. "I swear if you touched one of my kids I'll fucking kill you!"
He slam her across her cheek and throw her back against the wall.
"You wanna be strong now, huh?" he ask. She grab her cheek and give him an angry look?
"You're a fucking idiot!" she scream at him and grab the vase that stood near her. She throw it at him. It hit him throwing him on the floor making him angrier.
"You bitch!"
"You don't come near my kids!" she scream at him. "I'll fucking kill you! You hear me?"
He jump up and grab her by the throat. Right at that moment the police bust through the front door and ran up.

Richard give him daughter a smile that sat in front of him. She looks happy again.
"So, how's things back home?" he ask raising an eyebrow.
"Very well," Riley nod with a sweet smile. "Just quiet now that Sammy and Nixy is in college."
The twins walk out talking with their phones in their hands.
"Riley, mom got a new house," Archie say and took a seat showing her the photos.
"Grandma is going to stay with us," Charlton said feeling happy about that thought.
"Yes!" Riley cheer.
"She's going to babysit Ray," Charlton smile. They all look terrified at him. Richard give them an odd look. "It's a joke. Ray of sunshine. Usually when grandparents stay home they babysit. There's no babies in the house so she get to babysit a ray of sunshine."
Riley shake her head at her brother's sense. Hopefully their father will buy it.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Sarah ask Rachel as they walk through their new home.
"Very," Rachel smile sweetly and give her mother a tight hug.
"I know. This is where we'll be staying from now on," she smile at her daughter and kiss her on the front head.

((The past ends))

Hey everyone!
Okay so this chapter is where the past end so the rest of the chapters is all in the present...

I have a new story I'd like you to look into though.
"Toxic 'friends'"

It's basically about this family that had to escape secretly since they're being threatened by people that calls themselves friends. During getting use to their new lives, so many things takes twists and turns. Their sixteen year old daughter who was also bullied and those things carries the sample of a rape, but that doesn't stop her from living the life she deserves. So many secrets is coming out.

Just go to my profile. Ignore the fanfictions and rest. "Toxic friends" is one of the first stories in my list luckily. It's also a completed piece.

Thank you.

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