Chapter twenty

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Is it's one thing Sarah enjoy doing is being part of school projects. She doesn't interfere too much since it's not her position to, so she just plays on the sideline.
"I need a needle and thread," Sarah said busy putting the wings on the dresses the little kids has on. Riley run to Richard that held her bag. She take a little bag out of her mother's handbag and run to Sarah. She kiss her daughter's cheek and asked one of the teachers to put the white thread in the needle while she finish the wings. She take the needle and quickly fix the little torn part of the dress. "Richard."
"Yes," he run to her. She look at him with a little smile.
"Scratch my back," she beg since she can't reach the itchy places and her hands are busy. "Urgently please."
He laugh and scratch around on her naked back. She's wearing a long dress that ties around her neck so her back is showing.
"Thank you," she say relieved and end the stitches. She cut it off and stand up. "Now, we better get pur seats before this begins."
They look at Rachel that came to them with a little smile.
"You look so pretty my angel," Richard smile and go down on his haunches.
"Thank you daddy," she smile and give him a hug. He give her a tight hug and stand up picking her up. She giggle and look at Sarah that grabbed her little cheeks and kiss her lips.
"You are beautiful," she smile at her daughter. "Now, I know how much you love chocolate ice cream. So what do you say, you, me, daddy and your brothers and sisters go out for some ice cream afterwards?"
"Oh yes!" she scream happily. "Will Marcus and Tasha and..."
"Yes of course they will be here too," Sarah giggle and touch her face. "Now, me and daddy has to go, okay? We'll see you afterwards superstar."
"Okay mommy."
He put her down and walk out with Sarah waving at her.

Sarah give a sweet smile watching her girl dance with the rest of the angels on the stage. The proud smile of a mother.

It's dark outside. Rachel is running around laughing with her siblings and their partners. Sarah just smile watching them.
"She's not going anywhere."
"Fuck," she swore with a fright. She look at Richard that came standing next to her. He laugh at her and fold his arms.
"I would say yes, but you'll only end up swearing me again," he chuckle. She give a little blush and look down at the ground hiding a smile. "You can't take your eyes of her tonight. What's up?"
"I'm enjoying my life, Rich," she whisper and look at her kids taking a deep breath. "They're all grown up now except for Ray. My little Ray of sunshine. I want everything I have now to be memorable. Gosh, I want everything to last forever."
"Sarah Leigh Dixon, you can loose yourself in your dedication all over again and enjoy every moment. Just know that whatever lays ahead will forever be part of you."
She give a smile and look at him. He give her a smile back and put his hand on her back.
"Whatever we leave behind in this world, will forever be with them," he smile. She nod her head in agreement. "We're not that old, you know. There's a lot of time for us."
"Oh boy," she giggle and look at him. "I don't you understand this situation, my friend."
"Did you just friendzone me?"
"Yes," she laugh and put her arms around his neck. "Now, some will take it that way, but for us, I think we're odd to be a family again."
"We've always been a family," he reply looking at her. She nod and bite her lip touching his cheek. He give her a soft look. "If you marriage, yes I will marry you."
"No!" she laugh and break away from him going in the house. He give a simple laugh and go into the house. She give him an odd look and go to the refrigerator.
"I have to admit, I find it sexy how you try to avoid me."
"I'm not avoiding you," she laugh and close the refrigerator. "Did you eat the cherries?"
"Okay," she nod with a giggle. "So, how am I avoiding you."
"You're avoiding the fact that you love me," he reply and approach her slowly.
"Oh do I love you?" she ask raising an eyebrow. "I didn't know that."
"You're avoiding the fact that some people here wants us to be together."
"What about the people that doesn't?"
"Who doesn't?"
She look up and just smile. He laugh and put his hands on her waist getting back her attention.
"Maybe we were meant to be together," he whisper. She glare at him and shake her head slowly.
"So you cheat on me, marry another woman, come back just to seduce me a little, leave that woman and just expect me to take back? Just like that," she glare at him.
"You're so stubborn," he say and give her an odd look. "Kinky."
"You don't get it Richard. When people get divorced it's a long process to recover and get back that feeling of being normal again," she take a deep breath in. "You ruined that for me and no matter how many times you say you're sorry, it doesn't change the past. I know you're sorry, but I more think you are feeling sorry for your decisions. We could've worked it through, you know. Many people that cheated in marriages somehow kind of ended up making it stronger, but then you go and you date her. I'm sorry things didn't work out for us. And you're right, I am in love...I do love you more than ever before. But I also love to torture you, so no. I don't want to be with you."
"You're mean," he muttered and give her a sad look. "But I understand."
"Richard, I don't want to be with you," she whisper with a giggle and touch his cheek. "I want to be part of you. Wouldn't things have been different if you hadn't let at all? We screwed up."
"Perhaps it's time we actually make it right. Fix things, maybe?" Richard mutters. Sarah looks at him and pierce her lip. The soft look of delicacy in his eyes triggers her soft spot, but it doesn't let het barriers down at all. When she looks in his eyes all she sees is the pain he caused her. Forgiveness is precious, but it has to be spend right.
"Not everything that brakes needs fixing, okay?" she smiles at him and straighten her back. "We have one focus now in life. Let's keep it there."
"Not now, not tomorrow or any other day will we have this conversation again. I'm weak and I will fall for you, but I don't want to," she says and give him a serious look. "Let's just remain friends."
"But I can't just be friends."
"Well, I can't be more than that. It's a shame you can't live to my conditions, but I have to, to yours."
Richard spend a period just staring at her. She's right, he finally admits. What was he even thinking. He smiles at her and nod his head slowly.

The end.

Wow! What a story!
Okay, so I don't know if you liked it, but I have something to help us understand our characters more. If you want to find out more about Nikita's adopted situation and Derrick which I think died somewhere in the story haha joking, keep on reading.

I created another part specially for you all!

Hope you enjoy the songs I added.

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