Chapter 5

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I slipped out through the door just in time to see her enter into another room and close the door shut.

I'm not too sure and heck I don't even know what I'm doing!
But deep down my gut tells me that's her. That's my Hope. It has to be her...

I walked briskly towards the door I had seen her pass through but was pulled back when I was already half way there. I turn to look at the intruder who may not know it but he or she is standing between me and the rest of my life. It was a blonde lady in a black suit and it didn't help that she stared at me with scrutinizing eyes.

"I'm sorry sir but this place is for performers only"

Exasperation filled my tone as I tried to plead. "I know and I'm sorry, but I need to see someone right away"

The lady seemed bent on her words. "I'm afriad you can't sir. You'll just have to wait till whoever it is comes out but for now, I'll need you to leave"

There was no way I was taking no for an answer especially since I was this close. This close to finally having my dreams answered. I gripped tightly on her shoulders as though the very essence of my being depended on it. I looked her intently in the eyes, giving her a pleading stare.

"Please you have got to understand..." I breathe as though it were my very last.
"I need to... No, I have to see the girl who just entered into that room"

I pointed towards the door and she looked in the same direction but turned back giving me a confused stare.

"That's the storage room. No one goes in there"

Slight anger instantly fills in as I sort to retort. "Well someone went in there"

She equalled my annoyed look as she furrowed her brows. "Well sir..." She snarls as though the word hurt her to say. Looks like someone got attitude problems. "Performers aren't staff and the sign clearly writes for staff only"

I stared at the door becoming frankly confused. I did see her go in there. I swore I saw her go in there. Or is the twelve year wait delusion finally getting to me?

"Can we please at least go and check it out?" I plead in a voice more calmer whilst holding her arm to urge her into complying. She looks at me surprised then sighs afterwards.

"Fine but if no one's there, you have to leave immediately"

I nod in affirmation and muttered my thanks and with her leading the way, we walked towards the polished wooden brown door.

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